So yeah, not dead

Nov 27, 2011 01:59

Ha, I haven't posted in forever.

What can I say? What can I say?

I've been watching Warrior Baek Dong Soo all week. I am kind of loving this show, which is odd. This is the second historical thing I've gotten into recently. I think it's because I don't know jack shit about Korea so all of it's new and different. I could be watching complete fiction for all I know. It's especially better when you bother to read the notes on who all the people are.

That's the problem with these kinds of shows. Everybody has the same outfit and the same hat and the same stupid little goatee, so at the beginning I was constantly like "WTF haven't you died like three times now??!!" Now I don't even bother. The important people are distinguishable.

But, that aside, I really like the show. I'm glad I was fascinated enough by Park Gun Tae's resemblance to Lee Jun Ki after playing the younger him in Time Between Dog and Wolf to keep on watching. This thing has some good fight scenes.

I did, however, like it much better before Gwang Taek took Dong Soo up a mountain for three years and made him boring. Geez, would it kill him to smile? I miss when he was a cocky little shit instead of the competent scowly face he is now.

I also liked it better when I thought Yeo Un was protecting that chick for Dong Soo's sake. That was interesting! I was giving them props for that, but then they had to go and make it that same old love triangle bullshit. *sigh* At least they're not being soppy about it. Instead the both of them have the most boring interactions with her ever. She's like... an intelligent plank, I would have to say. Meh.

That said, I could be tempted by some Yeo Un/Dong Soo fic. But I'm not going to look because then I'll be all disappointed.

Anyway, late. Tired. Bed.

kdrama kick

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