(no subject)

Oct 15, 2011 23:48

I have Wind Band rehearsal in the morning, so I should be making moves towards my bed, really, but I don't wanna. I knew I shouldn't have started watching a k-drama. Those things suck me in and they're too long to finish in a weekend. Hell, they're too damn long to finish in a week, especially when I'm actually going out and doing other things. Boo.

I quite like this show, though. I'm watching My Girl and it's managed to grab me, even though every time I think of the title, I get the song stuck in my head. I've never been particularly fond of that song. I spent two episodes staring at the main girl wondering what the hell I'd seen her in before it finally occurred to me that I haven't seen her in anything, she just looks ridiculously a lot like Wakana from W. Except funny. They even dress her pretty much the same. I recognise at least three other actors in it, too, which means either I'm watching too many of these or I'm watching too many of the same kind of these. Or it's doppleganger central.

Speaking of W, I watched an episode of another k drama the other day called Cinderella's Sister or something like that. There was Cinderella in the title anyway. The main chick in that looked just like Suda Masaki. It was really weird. I didn't finish watching that one, though - couldn't get into it.

A show I did finish watching was "IS - Otoko demo Onna demo nai sei" (watch me remember that title without looking it up like a pro). It was interesting. Could have been better. I'd like to see how the story would turn out in k-drama form. Also, I'm not convinced Decade can act. I may have been distracted by how awkward he is and missed it. I liked that Haru stayed as a boy in the end. I thought for sure they'd make him stay a girl so he could hook up with Decade and be happy couple etc etc. I suppose they could have still hooked up after the credits rolled and Decade got over himself. What was his name in this? I can't remember. Kenji, maybe? I'll stick with Decade - that'll be the extent of my memory two months down the line.

Hmm... what else, what else? Hana Kimi remake. Started catching up with it this week, but the last two eps aren't subbed. Boo. It's entertaining, but not as funny as the old version, I think. Maybe I'm just grumpier? Who knows.

kdrama kick, j drama kick

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