Day by day...

Nov 01, 2005 09:00

Played a show. Played sucky (as usual). Had fun.

Recorded drums/guitar/vocals for "Trampled by the model image of..." because no one else showed up for band practice. I think we're going to try and record another song today.

Dirt work in the morning. Heavy Heavy Low Low/From Aphony in the evening. After the show, we went to Racha'/Penny's house to celebrate Sean's party. That party was messed up. Heavy Heavy Low Low came to party too, that was pretty cool. But, the messed up part was all my friends were there. All wasted. Even my SISTER was there. Damn. Too much for one night. The party was boring for me because I was sober.
Another messed up thing is... Sheri farking Wood. She was out of control. I can't believe what she did that night. She's not the same Sheri Wood I know anymore... sad.

More dirty work. Then Ryan and I hung out with Keegan the rest of the day. I love Keegan, she's a great girl. She makes me happy. (Plus, Ryan and Keegan are the cutest thing ever, but you didn't hear it from me.)

Sunday was a great day. Through out the day I've felt an ever increasing tug on my heart to go into ministry somehow, youth ministry. It just seems like there's void out there. I talked with a couple of the kids who go to my church's youth group for an hour or so about numberous things, religion mainly and they were intrigued at the knowledge I had and how I answered their questions. Things that are common knowledge to me weren't for them, which just made me feel like, "shouldn't they be learning this stuff in church?" We were actually talking on the side walk about this. We, just at random sparked up an hour long conversation as they were on their way to church and I on my way to the bank. I enjoyed passing on what God gave me. I feel like I have things to say to these kids that they need to hear somehow.

After that, I hung out with Kristin for the rest of the day. Man, I love that girl, she's awesome. We just walked and talked all day and it was nice since I haven't hung-out with her in so long. Thank God for that girl.

MORE dirty work. We tried to hang-out with Keegan again but she got grounded for not studying for spanish (which she speaks fluently, mind you). I was so zoned out that day. All I remember is him punching me every so often. THANKS, RYAN. He bought me Panda Express, though. Thanks, Ryan. :)
I was tired by the end and had to wrestle with my bank because they put me at negative $63.00. But it's fixed now. And Jewell is too young for me. Sad.

Should be good.

I'm so fickle. I just bought a guitar and now I've fallen in-love with another. I'm not too happy with the one I bought, it does weird things so I'm thinking of trading up. But I have to figure out how. Bah, what's wrong with me!
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