(no subject)

Jun 19, 2008 16:05

Yesterday was one of those days that made me sort of believe in fate.

On the way to UPenn, Bri and I ran into a guy I'd known from elementary school. Specifically, I knew his brother. There was brief chatting involved. Then we got to Penn. Class was canceled but I was already in the city. Italian was at 2PM so I had a few hours to kill. I ended up going back to the Hillel to hang around the office and maybe help out (they are very nice to let me do so). Instead Joan, the boss, told me to just chill and let me steal one of the computers. Read a bit and did some homework and decided to tell the older brother that I'd seen his sibling, thus letting him know that I was in the area. One of the beautiful things about facebook is that people who are bored tend to go onto it and then answer you quickly. Jeremy, the friend, got back to me right away and invited me to his Frat's barbecue since I was in the area.

Then we have an Italian interlude. The class was fine. Teacher looked at my sketchbook 'cause I was working in it before we started and was very supportive. She later had me draw a body on the white board so we could do the parts of the body. She's so cute. I may in fact be learning, too!

Back at UPenn, one of the girls there gave me directions to the frat house. I guess I heard them wrong or something because I ended up walking WAY too far. I spent some time in the bookstore, milling around and wondering if my phone's battery would die on me. Eventually I left and kept on walking. While I was pretty sure I wasn't going the right way there was still uncertainty and I figured I'd turn back once I hit 30th st (the girl had told me it was before 30th...now that I look back, she may have said 38th). On my way I considered calling one of my high school friends who I knew was working in the area. The next thing I knew that exact person called my name.

Anna was walking with her friend Alan towards me. It was amazing to see her!! I told her what I was looking for and she laughed, telling me I was definitely past the house and that she ends up there all the time for some reason. I began to walk with them. Her friend left us to go to his apartment and we decided to chill somewhere before heading over to the frat together. We had bubble tea (something we'd been planning on for a while and never actually got around to doing) and talked about pretty much everything. Apparently I haven't changed. Neither has she. It's hard to describe just how fantastic it was to see her.

Eventually we made it to the frat to see Jeremy. I got the tour and met some of his brothers. The barbecue was a bust but we had fun standing around the vestibule and chatting. Apparently there's some juggling thing going on at Penn on Mondays and there will be an improv group sometime in July (or so his brother heard). I'm very interested. I want to do that more--just enjoying people's company without need for some other stimulation (like movies or television). That's my idea of a good time. And if exploring the city happens, I'm up for that. One of the reasons I didn't mind missing the house is that I got to see more of that area. Also, had I actually found the house right away, I wouldn't have gone into the bookstore for about half an hour and then I wouldn't have run into Anna. In the end, it really worked out for the best. I would LOVE to do it all again.

friends, adventures with adri

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