(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 00:05

I got home from DC sometime around 5 PM. I got to hang out with the brother (love ya, Jeffy!). We watched lots of "Stargate" and "Battlestar Galactica" because we are total dorks. Between our sci-fi fests, we went to see TEH PANDA!

Tai Shan, also known as Butterstick, is the CUTEST ickle panda ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even when he's sleeping. Which he was incidentally. Jeff woke me up at 7:30 AM (on a SATURDAY) because he said Butterstick was an early riser and he wanted to see him frolick. Of course, we arrived to see a crowd of people watching our dear Stick sleeping. On a tree. Which is a feat because he's a little fuzzball that was somehow balancing on a branch that did not look very stable. Every so often he'd shift his position and then fall asleep again. His mama, Mama Panda as I called her, was sleeping on a rock with her arm over her eyes (so cute!) in a position that said, "Go away you bastards! I'm trying to sleep!" Daddy Panda was in his enclosure nextdoor eating. He's a deadbeat dad, apparently. We also looked at fighting monkies and a prairie dog that Jeff threatened to eat. Weirdo.

Other parts of the trip were spent hanging out with family. My cousin Samantha took me shopping for prom dresses (not that I found one) and making me try on dresses I would otherwise have never tried. They actually looked really good...except not the perfect dress. She found a really cute top during our trip, though. And we saw some people protesting for Animal Rights outside of Neiman Marcus.

Tomorrow, if the weather is good, Mum and I are driving up to New York and going to a tea house called Alice's Tea Cup or something. It has an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme and should be awesome! And I'm driving. Which is scary. But it should be fun. Now I'm going to go to bed so I'm not exhausted. 'Night peoples.

where in the world is adri at the moment, family

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