Meme-age that I'll forget to do if I don't do it now

Feb 12, 2006 22:28

The Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic of "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

Tagged by thefunkypig AND eileenthepeach (this means I have to do it or I'll get a Pig/The Stick beat down)

1. Really bad 90's music. Like that pop we used to dance around to at Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. That rocked. It was way better than the crap they play at dances now. I less than three the Spice Girls!
2. Romance novels (blame Angela for that one...the last I read was about a girl who met a guy at the Ontario RenFaire. He was a jouster. And the inappropriate lance jokes ensued. I met nice people at the Ontario RenFaire (not in a romance novel way, obviously)...that was crazy fun. I wanna go back)
3. ljsecret. Not half as cool as the original PostSecret but I cannot help but follow it religiously.
4. Certain chick flicks. Most recently the two "Princess Diaries". I'm a sucker for Anne Hathaway movies because she just seems really, really likeable and when she's the heroine I can't help but want her to have her happy ending.

I tag:
1. caitylady88
2. sneeze042
3. ladysar803
4. queenfionnuala
5. nifftynicole
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