Sorry NPH . . .

May 08, 2011 17:50

You are going to have to find another zaftig Penny replacement to help you rule the world, because I asked out Captain Hammer and he said yes!

Last night I was thinking over the shit-storm that was this week and looking through my e-mails.  I saw that The Oatmeal was going to be at Live Wire this week.  (For those unfamiliar, Live Wire is like the local Portland version of A Prairie Home Companion but with less country music and jokes about flour).  I went ahead and bought tickets because I REALLY WANT TO GO and thought, "Well, I guess I will just take V since he is out to Argentina the weekend after that." but I realized quickly that the idea did not make me happy and re-thought.

I was at the grocery store this morning and realized that who I really wanted to go with was Captain Hammer.  So I texted him from the store.  I didn't hear from him before I got back to the 500 square feet of dead zone where I live, so I took my phone with me when I went to take out the garbage after sleeping the entire day minus an episode of 30 Rock and an episode of Criminal Minds.  He had texted back to tell me first, that he was free and then asked what it was because he didn't know.  I texted him back while leaning against a garbage can and realized that I need to get a new cell service, damnit.

So, if things work out, I am headed to do something I like with a boy I like next Saturday.  Does this constitute a w00t?  Mostly, I was just tired of this week sucking and needed a win before the new one started.  That's taking the universe by the balls.
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