Seeing the light

Sep 07, 2010 15:52

Oh my gosh.  I am

On Saturday I moved out of my basement/hole in the ground.  I am no longer safe should a tornado/hurricane strike, but as I live in Oregon, that is really the least of my concerns.  I am no longer approaching "Mole Person" status, so I am happy.

The moving party ended up consisting of:
Mom and Dad
Conspicuously absent was my cold-hearted Argentinean who would get the cold shoulder from me, should he choose to show up anywhere that I could snub him.  The sad part is, I had honestly expected him to bail, so I was not surprised just really, really disappointed in him for proving me right.  Sigh.  On the bright side, my friends and parents really kind of bonded and my mother loves them and was impressed with how smart and funny they all were.  We all worked our butts off and my body was so sore the next day I spent much of my Sunday School lesson stretching my calves while people made comments.

In news that will make Nadia curse the heavens: Bryan informed me on Saturday that he has started seeing someone.  I was strangely okay with it- I think partly because I only ever liked him for one thing- that sort of "I want to take care of someone" vibe he has going on.  He's sweet and everything, but I am just not wild about him, and while the convos are great, there is not enough for me to really get excited about.  I know I risk long distance sharp pointies from najacheese for this, but that's how it is.  When it happens for real, I will let you all know.  Met a cute boy who likes Wes Anderson movies and is borrowing my "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" on Sunday night, so it could be sooner rather than later. (I doubt it though, he is not that funny.)

In the meantime, I am content to fall madly in love with my new home.  As soon as I get the internetz tomorrow, I will be posting pictures of how awesomely awesome my apartment is.  The deck is IN-CREDIBLE with not only 15 feet of space, but beautiful and dense foliage that sounds amazing when it is raining.  (On Sunday morning, I sat on said deck-of-splendor and planed my Sunday School lesson and enjoyed the beautiful solitude until a cat attacked a squirrel which then took 20 minutes to die and made sure that his last words were HEARD.)  My front closet is the perfect size for the storage of my Roo-related merchandising, the kitchen is bigger than most two-bedrooms' and has a bar so I don't have to get a dining room table.  Also- AIR CONDITIONER.

Confession: I may have spent a bit too much money at IKEA recently, furnishing the place, but my gosh, does it look GOOD.  I bought a $50 TV stand to hold the giant TV I got at a garage sale for $5 so I figure that in the karmic scheme of things, everything evens out.

I am not going to lie- I spent all of Labor Day in my pajamas getting the place unpacked and looking perfect.  I may have ignored my need for sustenance in my haste to get my life figured out . . . Either way, it looks exactly the way that I want it to, and after quick stops at Home Depot and Target tonight, everything will be complete.  Sigh.

It's so funny, for the first time in a little over 3 years, I really feel like where I live is HOME.  Living with the crazy girls and then renting a room in someone else's established home really made me feel like there was no ownership of where I resided.  I am so happy that I am finally filling a space that is all my own.  I feel extremely blessed and happy and cannot wait for the change that it will bring.
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