Another thing to add to my Murtaugh list

Jun 05, 2010 18:06

Concerts where there are mosh pits.  I mean, seeing as I hate the public, and in addition hate it when I am touched by members of the public that I do not know, this would seem obvious, but when there is a sweet nerd boy involved I tend to lose perspective.

Bryan and I saw Thrice and this band called We the Barbarians last night.  It was decent music, but I realized that I am way past the age of sacrificing my hearing to concerts of bands that I do not know who have extremely violent fans.  That, and I keep looking around for other people's mothers when there is crowd surfing going on.  Man, I am so cool.

During the course of the evening, we made three subsequent plans to hang out.  Soccer game, day after my birthday, and independence day . . . and we are still just friends.  Was scolded by najacheese  for never asking for more, but feel that I have some understanding as to why.  I be a big girl- delightful, funny, charming, intelligent, talented- but ultimately a big girl and I know how hormones work.  For goodness sake, I would date a man that was functionally retarded if he looked like Josh Holloway, so I get physical attraction, and realize that a lot of the time, the guys I like are not attracted to me.  I mean, I do HAVE options- I know women that are bigger than me and get plenty of action because they A) have LOOOOW standards, and B) are sluts.  Since I refuse to do either of those, I date semi-sporadically, until I find a nice chubby-chaser who hopefully does not have weird fetishes that involves my lower back fat.  (And yes, I realize that there are larger women who date a lot who never have to do either of those things- I just happen to not live in the right place to be one of them.)

Besides, Bryan and I are just sort of both using each other to feel good about ourselves right now- him because of his ex, and me because of the human venereal disease that was V.  I can handle not getting any as long as it is accompanied by a boy that opens doors for me and pays for dinner every once in a while.  It is better than what I had four months ago, but to quote a good friend, "Passing your genitals through a wood chipper would feel better than they way you did four months ago."  Touche baby, very, very touche.

We will see how this sort of pans out this summer.  He goes to school and works right now, and since he had classes in addition to calculus and physics, that meant he was no-life boy for the majority of this term.  What little time I did get to have with him was a miracle.  He has told me he wants to spend more time with me this summer, so if it gets too weird (i.e. me coming to his parents house for dinner) then I will have a talk along the lines of the options that he has of either shitting or getting off of the pot. <-- With lines like that, wouldn't you want to date me?

Later tonight= Starlight parade downtown with friends.  Should be fun-ish.

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