The Friday Five & other stuff

Nov 27, 2021 22:06

1) Who is your favorite relative?
I don't consider my parents my relatives so, my aunt Gwen who passed recently. She was the relative I was closest too. We always visited her when we went back to Canada and she was very special to me.

2) What's the farthest you've traveled for a family gathering?
From Japan to Canada.

3) Will you/when will you put up decorations for December holidays?
I was hoping to do it tomorrow (Sunday) but I don't know if I will have the energy after cookie making and choir practice.

4) What were you thankful for this week?
I had Tuesday off from work so that was nice.

5) What is your hometown known for?
Well, Hachioji where I live, is known for Mount Takao, its many universities and a specialty ramen.

A "one word" meme snagged from oneill

... in so many more words...

1. Where is your cell phone? On the living room table (across from me)
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover? Japanese guy - looks sort of like Jacky Chan without the huge nose.
3. Your hair? Medium length, brown, wavy.
4. Your mother? in Canada, 83 years old.
5. Your father? Passed
6. Your favorite item? Probably my phone, since I have books and Netflix and all I need on it. Not as happy with the insurance replacement for my old one, though.
7. Your dream last night? I don't remember.
8. Your favorite drink? Water or hot coffee.
9. Your dream car? I don't really have one, but I always like cars that have lots of room and I like to look at colorful cars.
10. The room you are in? The living room/dining room
11. Your ex? No
12. Your fear? Not being able to see my mom
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Healthy and still teaching :)
14. Who did you hang out with last night? I always have my family around me after work.
15. What you're not? Outgoing, talking all the time. I can't do small talk. But I don't mind listening to it.
19. The last thing you did? Make dinner for my daughter Audrey, and before that, make cookie dough for tomorrow's cookie making event.
20. What are you wearing? A snug wine red knit sweater and narrow long brown skirt
21. Your favorite book? There are too many but probably Outlander
22. The last thing you ate? Carrot/sweet potato skinnies with taco meat and salsa
23. Your life? Busy but uneventful
24. Your mood? Overwhelmed. There are just too many events and things to think about right now. I can't wait for winter break.
25. Your friends? Far away. Don't really have any here in Japan.
26. What are you thinking about right now? These questions. I like to concentrate on what I'm doing at the moment, usually, especially if it's writing.
27. Your car? the family car - a white Mazda Biante
28. What are you doing at the moment? Ummmm... taking a break and writing something after getting dinner ready and cookie dough and event prep.
29. Your summer? Boring and disappointing, mostly. I really wanted to go somewhere this year. It was nice to be able to participate in a choir festival in Karuizawa though.
30. Your relationship status? Married
31. What is on your tv? Nothing. It's broken and hubby won't get us a new one so I watch stuff on my phone or computer. But we should have Netflix, Amazon Prime, regular Japanese TV and Cable TV. (We are paying for it all, but still can't watch, which drives me bonkers.)
32. When is the last time you laughed? Probably at my class this afternoon.
33. Last time you cried? When Quentin died on my rewatch of The Magicians the other day.
34. School? I graduated with a BA in Japanese/English from the University of British Columbia.

the friday five, meme

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