Wincest Reverse Bang: Art Post

Jun 21, 2019 12:02

Title: The Echo Jar
Author: Jessie Cristo
Artist: supernutjapan
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Sam Winchester/Dean Wincester
Warnings (Art):None
Fic Summary:
With his year running out, Hellhounds have started sniffing around and Dean's hallucinations are starting to make him a liability. Bobby comes up with a plan but Dean isn't happy about it. Especially when the plan requires him and Sam to go their separate ways.

Artist Notes: Thanks to Jessie for the lovely fic she created out of my original art! Her story inspired me even further.  The gifs were so much fun to put together, and her beautiful scenes just had to be recreated.   It was my first BB but I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and I am so glad I was able to participate.

Original art piece -

Banner -

Divider -

(Scene 1)

(Scene 2)

(Scene 3)

(Scene 4)


wincest reverse bang, fan-art, fan-fic, fic

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