SPN 14-15 Peace of Mind Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll!

Mar 15, 2019 22:58

What did you think of this episode?! Please let me know in the poll and/or comments!
Poll SPN 14-15 Peace of Mind
OMG this ep was SO HILARIOUS! I laughed my way through it, except for some spots that brought me back to the seriousness of the situation.

The poor guy that blew up but, I loved the store clerk LOL

CLERK: Dude? You need any help?

JACK: I’m good, Castiel.
CAS: Jack, you say that but ever since the hunters… and their funerals…
(If Jack feels bad about the hunters, then he hasn’t lost all of his grace)

I LOVED Dean eating a sandwich and took screencaps of that like crazy :D He's tired from having had to keep his guard up all the time, but he is also very hungry!

CAS: I thought you were going to sleep until the cows dragged you home.
DEAN: How’s the kid?

CAS: He says he’s good but... What about Sam?
DEAN: He says he’s good. I think they’re both full of crap.
Then there was Sam and his shock at losing all his hunters and feeling like he was a failure as a leader :’’’(
DEAN: OK, Sam… not good.

Cas telling Dean to help Jack, then sleep till the cows come home LOL!!!

Cas with all his new knowledge of movies and TV was funny too.

GRIFFIN: Incident? That’s what we’re calling it?!
SAM: Well, what would you call it?

GRIFFIN: He went all scanners.
CAS: Was it scanners 1, 2 or 3?

CAS: It looks like we’re stepping into a Saturday Evening Post.
(Norman Rockwell <3)

But then the hunt and the whole crazy town of Charming Acres that reminded me of Back to the Future with the billboard and the milkshake shop!

MAYOR: You know the police came by. They said something about an aneurysm or something?
CAS: Oh no. His head exploded. (everyone in the shop stops and stares)
MAYOR: I’m sorry?

CAS: Like a ripe melon in the sun.
I thought as Cas did that it must have been the milkshake even as Sam took a drink and fell in love with it. Those tricky writers really got me.

SAM: She's making pot roast!
I LOVE Sam getting all excited about pot roast!

A bit weird that the guy didn’t remember what a cell phone was but the woman at the boarding house had earphones. I don’t think they had those types of earphones in the 50s.

CAS: I’m looking for my partner. The tall man. With hair. Beautiful hair?

CAS: Last night his head um...your husband, he died last night.
Cas is taking Sam's criticism to heart this time XD

SAM: This is my wife’s house. I’m just living here.
WIFE: Oh you.
SAM: Oh you.

CAS: Oh no...

WIFE: We’re a little low on olives. One or two.
SAM: Three. I’m feeling adventurous.

WIFE: Roar
SAM: Roar!

SAM: If we cannot remain civil, you can skedaddle. … Cindy, grab his hat!
CAS: I don’t have a hat.
WIFE: Honey, I don’t think he wore a hat.

SAM: Sir, using language like H*E* double hockey sticks! You should have your mouth washed out with soap.
What a good thing it was Cas with Sam this time. Sam with a pigtail and glasses was ug for me but telling Cas that he should wash his mouth out with soap and hockey sticks LOL!!

CAS: Double hockey sticks?!

Dean and Jack’s trip to Donatello’s -

DEAN: Have you tried bacon?

JACK: Do snakes like bacon?
DEAN: I don't know.  I like bacon.

DEAN: I'm going to make some bacon now.
JACK: Would you like some bacon?

DEAN: It not the snake that's dangerous.  It's the bite.
JACK: Is that a saying?
DEAN: It is now.
Dean checking to see if Jack eats the snack he gives him - because people without souls don't?

Dean trying not to look scared of the snake!!! Scooting farthest away from it as he waits!

Donatello’s talk with Jack about doing what the Winchesters would do was so good, but then what he says to Dean later is so unsettling.

DONATELLO: God’s sister ripped it right out of me. That wasn’t my best day. Oddly it wasn’t my worst day either.
JACK: When it was gone, How did you feel?

DONATELLO: Like the galaxy. You know Jack our galaxy is all bright and shiny and spinny But in the center is a large black hole. It’s the same with me. I’m all bright and shiny obviously. Not so spinny. But inside, empty.
JACK: So you feel bad.
DONATELLO: I feel nothing.
DONATELLO: Listen losing your soul doesn’t make you bad. It doesn’t make you anything. It’s just an absence of pity, empathy… of humanity. How do you feel Jack?
JACK: I don’t know. I know I don’t feel nothing, but I don’t feel the same either. And maybe I just don’t know what nothing feels like that.I ust don’t want Sam and Dean and Cas to worry.
DONATELLO: They’re your family. Families worry.
JACK:I need time and space to figure things out on my own, but everywhere I go, there’s someone looking over my shoulder.
DONATELLO: Whenever you don’t want them to worry, ust think, WWWD. “What would the Winchesters do?”
I think this is my most favorite scene of all this ep.  The music is really nice too.  It's the kind reserved for the best of scenes.

DONATELLO: I’d keep an eye on him but I think he seems ok. He probably is.
DEAN: So he’s not like you.
DONATELLO: Oh no. I’m a prophet of the Lord but Jack’s probably the most powerful being in the universe. Who knows what’s going on in his head?
That is worrying and reminds me of Dean's fears at the start of Season 13.
(We see Jack smiling from the car :D)

I loved the little pep talk Cas finally gives Sam as he is almost stabbed to death. Losing your army… that really got to me. And of course it was the fact that Sam would let Dean down that woke Sam up.

CAS: Fight this!
SAM: Why? I’m happy!
CAS: Sam, I know that you want to be happy I know what it’s like to lose your army, I know what it’s like to fail as a leader, but you can’t lose yourself. You have to keep on fighting. You can’t lose yourself because if you do, you fail us. You fail all the hunters you’ve lost. You fail Jack. Sam, you fail Dean.

Another funny scene with Sam and Cas:
MAYOR:In this town, I’m God.
SAM: No, you're not.  Believe me. We’ve met God.
MAYOR: God has a beard.

Then the psychic daughter puts her dad in a happy place where he can’t hurt anyone again. It was when I watched the ep for the second time that I finally got her first mention about making a promise - when she told her boyfriend to leave and she couldn’t go with him because she had made a promise - her mother of course.

Cas telling Dean all about Sam “being happy” LOL

DEAN: Heard you wore a cardigan.
CAS:Yeah I told him about the cardigan.
DEAN: And the wife. He said that you were really happy.
DEAN: Really happy huh?
SAM: I guess I was happy, but it wasn’t real.

DEAN: Well not a lot of happy going on around here.
SAM: I hate this place right now. I hate it. Everywhere I look I see them. I see Maggie. That’s why I was so desperate to get out of here. But I’ve got to stop that. I can’t keep running. This is my home. This is our home. Dean, I think I just need some time.

Sam’s admission that he is not fine, but he needs some time. I thought for sure Dean would suggest they move out or something and we’d have them on the road again, but Sam says that it’s their home for the second time in the last 4 seasons which is pretty meaningful I think.

Interesting also that the psychic "Mayor" said how he was just trying to protect his home.  And Sam talks about the bunker being home.  There is a connection there about how both were hurt by their home changing into something that was sad and everyone leaving.  The psychic made it a happy place where people were forced into the type of life he wanted.  He was running from reality that way, while Sam just wanted to keep on hunting and escape that way.  Jack also was just trying not to think about how much soul he might have lost.  He needs time to deal too.

Anyway, awesome ep!

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes

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