13-19 Funeralia Poll, Thoughts and Screencaps.

Apr 20, 2018 23:09

What did you think of this ep? I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments!
Poll SPN 13-19 Funeralia

What a crazy ep! I can’t quite wrap my head around it yet there was so much going on. Definitely a redemption theme this season as I also mentioned last ep. Ketch, Lucifer, and now Rowena. So here are the basic points I gathered:

1) there are only a few angels upstairs and if they all leave/die, then all the people up in heaven will be released and fall down to earth as ghosts.
2) If the natural order is screwed up too much then Death and the Reapers will have to do something like a plague or something to bring things back to normal. … Um, but if there is no heaven for them to go to… they will all end up in the veil? Wait, (1) said that the souls would come back to earth. Why wouldn’t they just go back to the veil?
3) And of course there is the ever present threat of Michael from the other world coming and taking over. I had a thought during this ep that the angels in Sam and Dean world might welcome this just to get more angels.

I loved that so much of the past was referenced this ep - we got to see and Cas remembering how Naomi erased his memories and made him kill Dean over and over, Rowena and Crowley, the natural order gone into in depth, etc. I LOVED Dean’s fight scene and his bloody face so help me. I LOVED Billie’s talk with Rowena and Sam and Dean's talk with her. I LOVED Cas’s talk with the angels. WHERE WAS LUCIFER WHILE THIS WAS GOING ON? WHERE WAS ANIEL??

Let me go through it scene by scene and get some quotes down.

First we have the boys calling Rowena for help. I did enjoy this whole scene.

ROWENA: Best of luck to you boys, my three little musketeers *mwah*
Heeee :D<3

CAS: You know she’s right. You never go to parties.
Rowena is a pretty good dancer. Maybe she should have just said she would help the boys if she didn’t want them to meddle.
LOVE this scene between Dean and Cas, and the silence while Dean waits for ideas and Cas thinks :D

I LOVED CAS actually discussing what he wants to do about the angels with Dean -

CAS: This would be something of a Hail Mary.
(The explanation about sports terms was a bit weird, but I liked this line anyway.)
It was also funny that Dean got Cas a beer even though Cas specifically said he didn’t want one.

SAM: We’ve got a problem.
DEAN: Another one? Awesome.

DEAN: If you want to try this angel thing, then go for it. Just don’t get dead again.
Awww *heart eyes* So, I guess Dean kind of gives permission?! Interesting relationship we are seeing.

Cas finding the gate keeper drunk and suicidal was thought provoking too. Interesting situation where we know exactly what is happening upstairs, but Cas has no idea. STILL has no idea. The angels are keeping Lucifer a secret from him. WHY??! Are they ashamed? Are they worried Cas might try to fight Lucifer? What do they really plan to do with Gabriel? Their keeping Lucifer from Cas makes me suspect them a bit.

DUMAS: I think we can help each other.

I LOVED Cas sitting on the ‘God chair’ as he waited for the angels to come back :D WHERE IS LUCIFER??? And Aniel???

I enjoyed the way the reaper Jessica suddenly appeared in the Impala while they were going after Rowena. It reminded me of Cas and other angels in the earlier seasons. I loved the little scene with the reaper talking about Sam’s shampoo collection and Dean’s VHS ...something about a princess meeting tentacles?... LOL! And Sam telling Dean ‘Gross!’ … about his burger or the VHS I’m not sure.

SAM: So you’ve just been hovering around us like a babysitter?

JESSICA: No, no, more like a baby monitor.

JESSICA: She’s going to throw off Fate - the greater machinery of death.
(Too bad we didn’t have Fate appear :P)
They call Jessica after they find out that Rowena was actually killing the reaper along with the person, and that made me think of what would happen if Reapers kept getting killed and were reduced in number like the angels. Are the reapers what are keeping the veil in place, just like the angels are keeping Heaven in place? Would there be no veil?

JESSICA: If just one person dies before their time, a lot of things that were supposed to happen don’t.

This reminded me of Dean in Appointment in Samarra, where he screwed up the natural order and even Faith, where the reaper took another instead. Here is my first paragraph on Appointment in Samarra as it has some relation to this ep.
  • Here I am again, ready to start talking about our next episode of Season 6. And it's a pretty thoughtful episode on the theme of the natural order - a very important theme continuing on into Season 7. It also gives us more clues about what Crowley and Cas are up to, which Death seems very interested in stopping, yet cannot tell Dean outright what is happening. It's like he almost has an agreement with God (very likely) or there is a fundamental rule that Death should not be influencing the world, or destiny, or the natural order with his knowledge. But he wants to. Which is a very interesting thing to think about. Watching Season 10, and with my knowledge of Season 5, I get the distinct impression that Death is not benevolent. He doesn't do things for humans because he is nice. He does them to further his own purpose. In Season 5 he showed Dean how to put Lucifer back in the cage because his purpose is to maintain the natural order. And ending the world is definitely not part of the natural order for Death. In the same way opening Purgatory and letting the Leviathons out is not part of the natural order that God has created. It would actually create a totally different natural order and obviously kill a lot of people. I think Death helps Dean get Sam's soul back because he thinks that Sam with a soul would be better able to stop Cas and Crowley from opening Purgatory. And he continues to help them by giving them hints throughout Season 6 - not that it does much good. He does seem to have an affinity to Dean though, similar to how Gabriel did, and a desire for Dean to understand his position as Death and have a better appreciation for it. It must be a very lonely job being Death.
We can see Billie taking over this job by getting Jessica to keep an eye on Sam and Dean - just like a baby monitor but not getting her hands dirty - just like Death did before. As I said, lots of references to previous eps this ep!

Then she adds -

JESSICA: The ripple effect from just one early death can affect hundreds of lives and changing their fates changes even more fates until things become sincerely unfortunate and we have to hit the reset button. ...Usually, a mass kill off like the black plague or a mid-sized war, something to wipe the board clean.

Which reminded me of Michael in the other world and how the invasion sure would be more than a mid-sized war and might work as a reset.

And then Jessica tells them that Sam is going to be the one to kill Rowena. I wonder what situation that is going to be. Is Rowena going to sacrifice herself like Crowley did? I don’t think she is going to go bad again so it must be something interesting like that. I like how that gives Rowena confidence with regard to Lucifer in the end <3

Cas is meeting Naomi with a new hairstyle in heaven -

NAOMI: There are a grand total of 9 angels in heaven, present company included. And one or two on Earth. And that’s all. We are the last men and women and devine waves of light still standing. As it were. ...You want to know why we can’t help you? Because none of us can leave. We are the only ones leaving the lights on, barely. We need everyone, especially an archangel. Now the others thought any archangel would do, long story. But your news about Gabriel is, for lack of a better word, blessed. With his power we can keep heaven running. Without him in time, we’ll burn out. Heaven will crumble and all the souls that have been entrusted to our care will fall back to Earth. Picture it Castiel, billions upon billions of ghosts unleashed upon the world. All that caos. All that death.

Am I just being too sensitive with the ‘death’ reference while Sam and Dean are dealing with a whole bunch of it at the exact time they are talking?

Then we have Sam and Dean going after Rowena and Dean’s fight scene, the two civilians in the elevator (LOL)

Sam and Rowena - Rowena stopping the bullet like in Malleus Maleficarum, we find out that the guy was military trained and pretty goood at his job, which makes Dean prettty awesome. (Dean's like do I look like I care?!)

And Dean coming up to find Sam gone.

DEAN: Where the hell is my brother?!

ROWENA: What haven’t you done for your family?! What wouldn’t you do?! I’m sorry Sam.
(OMG Sam's chest and devil's trap tattoo...)

Sam's beautiful hair that someone has made a gif of as I write -

and Billie <3

BILLIE: You are upsetting the natural order. That is unwise.
ROWENA: Bring back my son. And it all stops. Say no, and I’ll…
ROWENA: Then I’ll kill Sam Winchester. That will really frog up your natural order won’t it.
BILLIE: Go ahead.
BILLIE: I don’t think it’s a good thing and I don’t think any of us will like what comes next, but I don’t do blackmail so go ahead. I’m curious to see what happens.

SAM: This is not YOU. Not any more.

And Rowena turning to try to kill Death instead of Sam... Does that remind you of Dean doing the same to the previous Death? But he really killed Death while Rowena could not with all her power.

BILLIE: You were never going to kill him. There was a time you would have, but not now. I can see that.
ROWENA: I don’t know what I’m doing.

BILLIE: Sometimes life is unfair, ad sometimes we lose things, and sometimes we make mistakes. Somethings can never be fixed no matter how powerful you become. Somethings just are, and everyone has to live with that.

ROWENA: And now you’ll take me?
BILLIE: No. You already know how your story ends.

BILLIE: Hey Dean. See you again, soon.
(No.  Just no.)

NAOMI: If you find Gabriel tell him what is happening in Heaven.
CAS: And if I can’t find him?
NAOMI: Then we’ll keep things running.
CAS: For how long?
NAOMI: That’s the scary part.
CAS: We will find a way to fix this. We will
NAOMI: This may be one of those things that can’t be fixed Castiel.
CAS: This is Heaven we’re talking about.
NAOMI: Everything ends, Castiel.
CAS: Everything ends.
NAOMI: But until then, the gates of Heaven are closed.


And Finally Sam, Dean and Rowena. Beautiful scenes all!

SAM: How’re you feeling.
ROWENA: I fought death and lost. I feel tired, weaker, I don’t know if it’s forever. Sam, what have I done.
SAM: You had a chance to kill me and you didn’t. I’d call that progress.
DEAN: I’d call it a miracle.
SAM: And you know, what happened to Crowley, that wasn’t your fault.

ROWENA: He never had a chance.
DEAN: He made his choices, just like we all do. Look, every one of us has done things that we have to live with, that we are trying to make up for, every one of us.

DEAN: You want to be redeemed, this would be a pretty big step.
ROWENA: You think I still can be?
DEAN: Yeah, I do.
SAM: We both do.

The three musketeers (plus Rowena and maybe Lucifer … and Ketch if they really want to be redeemed) have so much to fix. But how? Can they get Gabriel to help them? Can they get more angels (maybe from the other universe?)

Excellent ep.  I'll be rating it awesome...but...
Just a bit worried about all the references to things ENDING and Dean seeing Billie soon. It scares me shitless actually.

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 13, spn episodes

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