SPN 13-15 A Most Holy Man Thoughts and Poll

Mar 09, 2018 22:51

What did you think of this episode?  I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments!
Poll SPN 13-15 A Most Holy Man
Awesome! :D  OK, it was a bit embarrassing at times, but I was able to laugh instead of cring which was good, and I'm looking forward to watching it again.  It was hilarous! and yet it had a very nice theme to it that warmed my soul.  Dean's face at the end of the ep man...

Let me start from the beginning.

So we start with a MoTW!  I've missed that.  It wasn't a 'monster' monster, but still, a 'case' that they end up solving.  An Italian guy steals the scull of Peter from a convent, and I think he also kills the nun who catches him in the act - maybe not on purpose, but there is a pool of blood by her head as he tells her I'm sorry.

Jump to Sam and Dean.

Sam is looking up stuff on a Seal of Solomon and the blood of a holy man, because they need this stuff to open the gate to the AU.  Cas, by the way, is dodging bullets in Siria trying to get the fruit of the tree of life according to Dean.  I just wish Dean could eat his pizza in just a tad smaller bites so he doesn't have to choke on it.  Please.

They find that there is a market for relics on the internet, and Sam gets the name of a woman who seems to be legit.  They go to meet her.   This scene with her and Sam is soooo funny - especially because Sam ''takes one for the team."

WOMAN DEALER: Personal relationships are very important to me.
SAM: Right.  Well, I would personally appreciate any help you could give us.
Dean tries to talk to her too but she only has eyes for Sam and Dean his rolling his eyes and OMG...  so hilarious.  This whole scene.
Anyway, she gives him the name of a guy - Richard Greenstreet - to whom she gives an introduction.

They go meet the guy and he's like, you don't have money, don't waste my time.  Then he reconsiders and tells them that if they can bring him the scull of Peter, that was stolen for a Seattle mob boss, he would give them the blood of St. Ignacius.  He tells them the scull was stolen from Malta and was going to be turned over tomorrow night.

DEAN: That's not a lot to go on.
GREENSTREET: I have faith.
LOL! I just caught this on rewatch, but it is what Dean says at the end, isn't it?  Anyway, I'll come back to that again later.

Sam and Dean come out of the house and Sam's like, hey, are we now stealing?   But I want to remind Sam about the many times they have stolen in previous seasons.  The time that they stole something to catch Death; the time, they stole the bone of a nun in a convent to do something else.  Like, what are you all of a sudden bothered by it for?  But this ep is trying to point out, I guess, the morally questionable things that they do - just as Cas did last ep -  and possibly make Sam look like a Saint LOL and, I guess that's ok.   If anyone should be the one to question morals it should be Sam.

DEAN: I'm not perfect, and by the way, neither are you OK.  Also what, now you are above a little, chicanery? This isn't a perfect world we are trying to save ok, and if I'm not perfect trying to save it, so be it.  You with me or not?
Love the guys white breath.  Also love the various cafe music, both the dealer lady and again here. Important point about the world not being perfect and not having to do everything perfectly to save it (we come back to that later with Padre)

Sam is looking up stuff on the internet to try to figure out who and where the robber is and Dean is flirting with a girl in the cafe... Awwww... Sam calls him before he can get in an interesting conversation with a girl who likes supernatural stuff...  I would have loved to hear more :D  Dean is disappointed too.

(Love Dean's face here)
So Sam tells him there is one suspicious guy and he knows which hotel he is in, so they go check it out.  As they go upstairs, they bump into a guy getting out of the elevator.   Did anyone think he was a good guy here?  You are better at it than me.  I totally suspected him of murder and more.  Sam politely appologizes for bumping into the guy as they get on the elevator.

When they get to the room, they find it a mess, and the robber dead on the floor.  Then, suddenly there is a guy pointing a gun at them, telling them to cuff themselves to the radiator and not checking to see that they actually had - he is too busy searching for something.  Obviously he doesn't really care, as long as he can make his exit in peace. I love the way Sam and Dean know right away he is fake, and Sam says, so where is your partner, and Dean says, shouldn't you be calling this in?  He comes over and points the gun at them, and I guess they have no choice but to actually cuff themselves because the gun is real at least, but as soon as he leaves all proud of himself, Sam gets out the key and uncuffs them.  Dean is like you are like a boyscout the way you have stuff ready like that, and Sam answers, I don't know what you are.  Thanks a lot Sam.  We saw a lot of brotherly bickering this ep aye?

The music is so 'MOB MYSTERY' LOL!!

As they leave the hotel, the guy they bumped into on the way up is hiding behind a newspaper.  I don't know what he thinks they are, but he has already seen the guy killed, so maybe he thinks they are mob related too.  He trails them as they go into the alley to get their car, where mob people are waiting for them.

Love Dean's reluctance in letting the guy drive it!!! :D  Also love Sam warning Dean ("He's good") Which is about how he is a good fighter maybe?

Mob guy: Nice car.
DEAN: Yeah.  Enjoy.

So they go talk to the mob boss (listening to opera of course) who tells them that it was a terrible mistake to try to work for Greenstreet.  They are going to work for him instead.  Find the skull, and he would give them lots of money, which they can pay Greenstreet to get their blood.  They really don't have an option.  But the interesting thing about this scene is Dean is quick to point out twice that the skull is actually stollen from it's rightful home, and not really the bosses, even if he has paid half for it.

DEAN: Technically the relic had a home, and then you had it stolen.
And all those mob guys laugh like they do in the movies before they take out their guns and kill the smart aleck.  What he is trying to prove by saying this I am not sure.  And why didn't the boss kill them? A miracle maybe.

So now they have to find the skull.  Dean has a feeling that there is something in that hotel room to give them a hint, and because the room is full of cops, he pulls the fire alarm  and waits downstairs for everyone to leave.  Sam waits in the stairwell and as soon as everyone is gone, goes into the room by himself.  There he is bitching about Dean's feelings, which is really funny LOL, when he finds a scrap of paper and then the guy that was following them previously comes up from behind and hits Sam over the head.  I love how Sam sees the face of the guy in the mirror before he becomes unconscious.  The guy takes the paper and leaves.  Meanwhile, Dean comes back and sees Sam on the floor.  This is the second time I guess, counting Donatello hitting him, and Dean is worried.

DEAN: You've taken a lot of shots to the head lately.  I know that Disney princess hair gives you some padding, but...
Then as they come out of the hotel, they see the guy unconscious on the street.  We've seen the fake cop waiting in the alley so we know that's who hit the guy over the head. I didn't trust him even when Sam found out that he was a Padre.  I still thought he was with some gang or other.  But it ends up that he was being sincere as he told about his parish and how they needed this relic to hold on to - for their faith.  When he tells them how he failed to get the relic back, Dean answers,

DEAN: It's a screwed up world Padre, what are you going to do about it?
PADRE: Change it.
DEAN: Yeah, well, good luck with that.
PADRE: It's not about luck son, it is about effort.  All the time I hear people say the world is not perfect.  And they're right.  It's not.  Do you use it as an excuse? Do you use it to excuse your own sins, your failings, your laziness? Do you use it to give bad men power, because the world's not perfect? Or do you work? Do you try and improve things in whatever way you can?  Guys, the world will never be perfect.  If good man do good things, it can be better.  Everyday, can get better.
Sam feels that (instead of worrying about their own mother and Jack) they should help this guy get the skull back to his parish.  Dean's like wait a second.  And they go talk in a corner.  Sam explains how Padre is excused for hurting Sam by using the example of someone stealing Baby from Dean LOL! Now what he would do to avenge his Baby is all he can think about :D

DEAN: Murder,I'll murder them all.
SAM: Right.  Well, my point being I don't want a guy like Greenstreet or Starpotty to win.  Not this time.
DEAN: There'll be torture first...If I can't have it, nobody can.
LOLOL at Dean.
But finally, they agree to help this guy and he happens to remember the number on the piece of paper which is a tracking number of a package.  The fake cop goes to pick it up and they trail him, who leads them to a warehouse where he is meeting SAMS GIRLFRIEND!

Sam goes in with the Padres money, I guess because of his advantage with the woman.  The money he has is no match for what the boss can pay, but then Greenstreet says, I'm not paying anything.  Then turns to the fake cop helping the woman and bribes him into giving him the skull for a million if he just kills her.  And he does! Because he wasn't happy with what he was being paid and wanted a raise.

Meanwhile, Dean and Padre are talking about God - Dean says God doesn't care about you or me and he's not going to come in and save the day, and the Padre says, I don't mean he is going to do a miracle, just that things work out for the better.

PADRE: You're worried.
DEAN: You're not
PADRE: God will see us through.
DEAN: Yeah, he really won't
PADRE: You're not a believer?
DEAN: Oh I believe.  Hell, I know.God, He doesn't give a damn about you or me or anyone else.  So if you're expecting some sort of miracle to happen, well, good luck.

PADRE: I'm sorry, I didn't mean that God would reach down and protecct us.  Of course, that's not going to happen.  I believe all goood things are goood things.  And what your brother is doing is a good thing.
DEAN: Or a stupid thing.
PADRE: Or both.  Many times they can be the same.

Dean gets rid of the guards with the padre's help (which doesn't involve any lying but involves care for the guard's wellbeing).

Then starts the shootout, and Dean comes in with two guns and it's awesome, but I'm pretty sure the bad guys end up killing each other while the Padre prays outside (to gregorian chant music).  Finally only fake cop is left and he tries to shoot Sam or Dean and the Padre stops him. Then the guy shoots Padre instead.  Sam shoots the fake cop and they run over to the Padre.

The Padre is only grazed and he says how it's a miracle.

They go over to Greenstreet and find out that he was lying about the blood.  Dean punches him :D<3  He gets taken by the police.

So the Padre gets the skull and probably his money too and they are saying goodbye when he tells them how he's met the Pope and he was given the title of A Most Holy Man.

And Sam and Dean are like, then you can just help us with one more thing.   I love this.  I knew from when Sam found out that he was a Padre who did many good deads that they had their holy man right there already, but, just the way everything worked out <3<3

Then back at the bunker while Dean is looking at the blood they got from Padre, Sam comes in and seems to want to say something so Dean tells him to spit it out.

SAM: You ever feel like we are doing nothing but playing defense, you know, bouncing from one apocalyse to the next?
DEAN: That's not exactly our call.
SAM: I know that, and I'm not saying we don't do good but no matter how many people we save there will also be more people that need saving.  No matter how many monsters we kill,
DEAN: ...there is always going to be another one around the corner.

SAM: Do you think we can ever change things?  You know really change things.  Stop all the monsters, all the bad?
DEAN: That would be nice.

SAM: Yeah...So what are you thinking?  Think, about work?
DEAN: I have faith.
This whole ep also reminds me of Dean's prayer to Chuck at the beginning of the season - how he thought Chuck wasn't listening, but Cas was brought back as he asked, and they have also found out since then that mom IS alive.  This is really cool how they weave in the fact that God usually works subtly through the actions of characters in his story.  Yes, sometimes there are miracles.  Sometimes, people do see God and interact with him, but his work is done through the people he has chosen.  And Sam and Dean are very important people in Chuck's world.  And, Dean finally is at peace just working to make things better - not perfect.
Beautiful <3<3

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 13, spn episodes

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