Music Meme

Mar 21, 2017 21:32

Day 3 - A song that reminds you of one/both of your parents.

Yikes... I know which song reminds me of my dad, but it's a hymn, and he sang it in Japanese. He really loved it, and even as we cringed 〜 as slowly his hearing went and he couldn't sing it in tune〜 I could still feel his heart, if that makes sense. He really loved that song. The hymn was His Eye Is On the Sparrow. I see on Youtube that it is sung as gospel song, but he sang the more simple melody〜

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My mom was/is a pianist and I sang with her a lot, sitting next to her or standing by the piano bench. Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz and others. She also played a lot of classical music as I drifted off to sleep.

The song that tops all of those, however, was one she used to sing to me. I could never find a recording to match her tempo, her soft low voice, and the love I felt as I listened, but here is one that she must have heard.

You Are My Sunshine

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music, father, mother, meme, music video

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