12-4 American Nightmare Poll, Thoughts and Screencaps :)

Nov 04, 2016 23:00

I'd love to hear what you thought of this episode in the following poll and/or comments:

Poll SPN 12-4 American Nightmare

My thoughts -AAAAAARG!!! Stupid British MoL!  *fumes*  Okay...*evens breath*

OK, now that I'm a bit calmer, I'd say this was an good ep. There were some nice scenes, and the situation itself was so realistic it was scary. I loved Sam relating to the girl and Dean feels a bit better now after the text from mom so yay.  Also, FATHER!SAM AND FATHER!DEAN!!! :D<3<3<3   All I could think was that the writers know how to make fans happy :D

SAM: We just want to ask you a few questions.

PRIEST: What kind of priests are you?
DEAN: The old fashioned kind.
 And can I say again how cute and pretty Sam is in his short hair?  They both look so much more like real priests now that they are a bit older!  And it's not a coincidence that psychics and priests somehow appear in the same episode again is it?  Sam said Dean was acting a bit mean to the priest, but I didn't particularly think it was out of character and I really liked his answer to "What kind of priests are you?"

Dean mumbling to himself about being like a 13 year old girl with his texting was cute.

And I guess there is a point here about misunderstandings born through texting.  I can totally relate to the unnecessary worry and emotions at an unanswered text.

Love this line by Dean :D

DEAN:That's right, one's a demon and one's an angel and apparently, they solve crimes.
And Sam defending Vince to Dean was cute.

Sam and his (henoji) face :D

SAM: I've got nothing.
And Dean -

DEAN: Maybe we should focus more on the case and less on the Dr. Phil crap.

They go see the social worker and at the mention of wiccan and the fact that she got her boss' job, Dean has her as the culprit and is ready to shoot her.

To tell the truth I'm a tad bothered by Sam being all saint-like while Dean has been acting like a child these past couple of eps.  Even before mom left, Sam has just been watching Dean and Mary's reactions and keeping his thoughts to himself.  It just galls me that Sam is being so reasonable -  but I know that both are reactions to mom, that while Dean is reverting to childhood, Sam is ... I don't know, just trying to stay calm.  On rewatch, I will probably be gushing over it.

SAM:Look, if it's her, I'll shoot her myself.
DEAN:Oh no no no... I'm definitely shooting her.

At the family's home, Sam has a chance to listen to the crazy mom while Dean helps the dad and son with a wagon wheel.  (Love seeing the sweaters again! :D<3) He gets tired of all the crazy talk, gets a bit emotional and finally blows, telling the mom that SHE killed her daughter by not taking her to the doctor.

I guess, listening to mom, Sam figured that Magda's spirit must be out for vengeance.   But of course he still doesn't know why the whippings.  I wonder now, how the family hid the fact that Magda wasn't dead - or even staged her death.  Closed coffin funeral or something?   I especially like the fact that Sam and Dean KNOW that God wasn't speaking to the mom, nor was the devil whispering to the Magda, because they know both God and the Devil and know 1) God had more important things to worry about and 2) the Devil would do much worse if he was possessing this girl LOL  Love Dean's line, "Yeah, we're besties." when talking about God, and Sam's "Believe me you are not (the devil)." when talking to Magda.  It shows so much experience and knowledge.

Anyway, it's here we see Mr. Ketch on a bike, checking out the Impala plates. I thought maybe this person was the real culprit but he just ends up being a British MoL hunter.

Then Dean has his little argument with Sam about the wiccan and goes off on his own... LOL.  Seriously?! Guys you are almost 40! (I'm thinking Jensen just needed a holiday :P) And Sam happens to hear the conversation in the barn and finds out that the girl is actually alive and she is whipping her own back to "repent her sins" on the direction of her mother.  After Sam is caught and put in the same room as her we find out that she actually did kill these two people by mistake.

(I do love the picture of her gazing out the window through the bars.)
Then mom tries to kill the whole family so that "they could be together in death" and girl stops her but her brother ends up dying for her.

Finally girl tells mom that SHE's the devil and turns the knife around which is totally Max!  but Sam helps her stop from killing her mom.

Dean and Sam talk with Social worker and girl -

DEAN: Sometimes in order to figure things out, a person needs space.

(Sam looks at Dean like, that's what I said to you... :D)

I really love this little moment between Sam and girl.  I hate that she was killed.  ARG!

SAM: You can do this.  You will do this.  Just remember.  The power, it doesn't control you.  You control it.
Beautiful moment <3<3

SAM: Do you mean what you said back there?

Awww <3

I hate that Magda died!  I'm hoping that Sam and Dean will figure out what is happening quickly and they will be preparing a trap for said guy.

I wasn't quite sure how Dean came to the conclusion about how people need space, except maybe some time to think about it away from Sam? Oh, right. LOL! And I did like him grinning like a loon over the text from mom.

Next ep, I need a bit more of Dean.  Badass Dean please.

poll, spn, supernatural season 12, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes

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