HEARTS - I take them!

Nov 03, 2016 23:29

Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOU:')<3<3 I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS :')<3<3 but, I would not be offended at all by getting a heart for whatever reason.

If I give you a heart that means I ENJOYED YOUR POST!  AND I LOVE YOU!

I can't comment in every single post that everyone posts, and this will give me a chance to tell you that even on those posts I enjoy silently.  Very often, I will comment as well.  Sometimes, I may come back and comment later when I have the energy to engage in writing and if I find something fun, relevant or intelligent to say... or I just need to write something to you, whatever.

I understand people's reluctance and worry that they won't get as many comments and I'm not going to let that happen on my end.  I promise not to settle for a click of the button if I can write something instead.

Whether you like the heart or not, I HEART you <3<3

By the way, I figured out that if you hover your mouse over the heart button, you can tell who hearted.  I still haven't figured out why some people have the heart button on their own page, while I can only see mine on the friend's page.  Anyone know?

But anyway, I've done my best on commenting for today and maybe I can get some writing done tomorrow before SHOW <3<3 (and after too!!) I've got Audrey to bed 30 minutes earlier the last couple of days, and now it's my turn.  It's 11:20, and I'm going to try going to bed early and see if I feel any better tomorrow.

Have a nice day!

friend, love

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