Sunday Post

Mar 14, 2016 21:58

I'm just so tired I'm about to collapse.  Today was mega busy with two classes in the morning, then a meeting until 1, then off to class at 3 until 7:30.  I come home to find Audrey fast asleep and more work to do.  This time I have to mail all the JH kids etc and ask about the change in classes, write people interested in trial lessons or people who are newly starting with payment information etc. etc. and *headdesk*  I'm just quickly stopping by to post this, which I started yesterday and have been having all sorts of trouble posting.  Anyway, I will try to go by and see what everyone has been posting later.  I haven't been on in a whole day and I miss you guys. :(

I have a bunch of photos to post as well as an update on my week.  Things have settled down a little bit in the past two weeks.  I've been doing trials at the new classroom (instead of the teacher who could not stay) and got two more students (YAY)!  All the previous students have new teachers too so what a relief.  Now we just need to find a teacher to do the days the classroom is empty.  No hurry, since it's better to fill up my days first.  Hope we find a good teacher.  My being busy at the other school has meant that I haven't been able to spend as much time with Audrey.  One day, I didn't come home until she was asleep :'( All because we had to go to the other classroom to talk with a lady in a night adult class.  Audrey is not happy about that, and neither am I, but hopefully things will settle down a bit more.

I also thought I'd have plenty of time to work on the review now that there was no regular show, but I'd forgotten that I didn't have the time on Wednesdays and Fridays that I used to have.  I may not be able to go back to the regular schedule like I thought.

Saturday, hubby was home for our wine dinner.  He went out to buy some steak for us at Costco and asked me to make a few more requests.  He was exhausted after the trip to Costco on a Saturday (terribly crowded) and I was exhausted from teaching but I some how got up the energy to make the requests as well.  One of these was pork rolls.  We get really thinly sliced meat here, like bacon.  The family likes a dish in which I roll up some green asparagus, carrot and chedder cheese inside a piece of pork, salt and pepper, flour and fry in butter and oil until crispy on the outside and the cheese is nice and melted on the inside.

Here are some pictures.  I think you could do it with bacon if you can't get the thin slices.

There's the rest of our dinner.

Yesterday, I stayed in my pajamas for half the day - getting over the hangover and making some art.  We went to the park for a bit and Audrey enjoyed playing some baseball, badminton and tennis with dad, and a bit of tennis with me.

Some of the cherry blossoms were in bloom.

And here are some more food pics from this week -

Some sushi we spent a bit more on than usual because it was payday...

And some garlic chicken:  I fried the chicken then added soy sauce, sugar, sake and grated garlic, heated a bit more until the sauce started turning thick.  The kids really enjoye it.  I can't find the recipe but I'd suggest 2 T soy sauce to 2 T sake and 2T sugar and 1 clove garlic.  Japanese teriyaki style.

scenery, work, my day, food

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