PowerBook arrives tomorrow (today!)

Mar 09, 2005 00:14

Dear nebulous population of the Internets,
The plural of "virus" is VIRUSES. No other form is even remotely close to correct. Virus originates in Latin, where it is a neuter, 2nd declension mass noun meaning "poison" or perhaps "slime"(roughly). There is no plural in the Latin 'virus,' so the -us -> -i transformational rule does not apply. The word "*viri" is, in the nominative, based on the "vir" root (=man). So unless you are referring to parasitic or toxic men, please don't say "*viri," or even worse, "*virii" (which cannot logically derive from any existing Latin root and stands completely unrelated to any word ever uttered). Unless you want to sound like a 12-year old wannabe computer geek, LEARN THIS NOW or suffer the wrath of my (virtual) fists.

Thank you, that is all.

And holy crap Grant, happy birthday! I even made a point to remind myself to say something, but I must have been distracted by some shiny object. The rice quest message is my humble apology, may it stand in infamy for days, even weeks.

[Editor's note: disregard the asterisks before the 'words.' The denotation has a specific linguistic meaning, and my compulsive behavior in these matters requires accuracy on my part.]
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