Did I do night time relaxation for ten minutes? NO! At least, I
don't remember doing it.
Did I have my night time pill last night? YES!
What time did I go to bed? Not sure. I tried to go to sleep
early, woke up again and ended up going to sleep late.
What time did I get up? 5am
Did I do my dawn walk? NO! I was up in time, but ugh.
What's the weather like outside? Cool enough for me to wake up
wishing for a hot water bottle, hot coffee and porridge. Windy.
Did I take my morning pill? YES!
What was breakfast? Porridge with dried fruit and almonds.
Coffee. Oh, and fresh dates DON'T JUDGE ME. I mean, they'll go off if
I don't eat them, right? So I have to eat them. Om nom nom nom
Did I do morning relaxation for ten minutes? YES!
Unfortunately, it made me realise I am MEish and migrainous, even as
it eased both sets of horrible, horrible pain.
Other than the dawn walk, did I go Outside? YES! To the shed and out to hang washing. Not exactly an expedition, but oh well.
Did I have lunch? YES! Microwave pizza followed, a couple of hours later, by steak and a smoothie.
Did I take my lunchtime pill? NO! I forgot.
Did I have a nap? NO!
Did I write? YES! 750 words with breakfast.
Did I watch or listen to anything? Absolute80 radio and Radio 4 for Farming Today and the shipping forecast, which promised Gales everywhere.
Did I do anything physical? Put laundry on and hung Pol's washing on the line, which turned out to be more tiring than I expected. My own stuff all got tumble dried.
Did I talk to anyone? Pol and Random.
Did I have dinner? YES! A veg pot and a malt beer.
How many painkillers have I had? HFCC with breakfast. HFCC
after breakfast, because, ow. Then another and, later, another and then I was okay.
What bad things happened today? Pain, lots of. Being knackered and wheezy after simple things like hanging up washing. I found a live flea on Moth, which means her allergic dermetitis is not going to fade away, but might get much worse and need treatment. I added more Stronghold. I have great yellow acne spots, everywhere, despite showering daily and mostly eating well. Moth was sick, on carpet and left a stain. Nobody wants to go out because the weather is foul. Moth is much better at not taking pills than I am at administering them.
What good things happened today? I found an online copy of the complete London Labour and the London Poor, at least of volume One. The shopping arrived early, as I'd been sort of praying for. I have cheesecake in the freezer. Moth's been very loving all day and seems very glad to be home. Pol came home in a good mood and so did Random. My
disgusting toys are awesome. And
disgusting. This entry was originally posted at
http://supermouse.dreamwidth.org/44316.html. There are
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