Did I do night time relaxation for ten minutes? YES!
Did I have my night time pill last night? YES! These posts are making a big difference to my ability to keep track of my pills, which should help the migraines.
What time did I go to bed? Before 10pm. As always at the start of things, I am being extra-conscientious.
What time did I get up? 5am, briefly.
Did I do my dawn walk? NO! I felt ill and didn't want to.
What's the weather like outside? Cloudy and grey. It rained all night. There were occasional bursts of both sunshine and rain.
Did I take my morning pill? YES!
What was breakfast? A glass of milk and a cup of coffee.
Did I do morning relaxation for ten minutes? NO! I went to sleep instead. I did relaxation later, though.
Other than the dawn walk, did I go Outside? NO! I feel rotten-ill and don't want to.
Did I have lunch? YES! Fried steak, an Innocent fruit smoothie and a quarter of a Daim Almondy tart.
Did I take my lunchtime pill? YES!
Did I have a nap? YES! From about 5:30am to about 11:30am and then from about 2pm to about 9pm.
Did I write? YES! 800 words today about laundry and the upcoming Discworld convention.
Did I watch or listen to anything? A Swedish Bluegrass Death Metal band last night. Today: Paul Simon's Graceland (I wish he'd not ripped off LBM, it taints the album). Half an episode of Leverage.
Did I do anything physical? YES! I cleaned the cat tray, which was harder work than I thought it would be, and did some laundry.
Did I talk to anyone? Pol and, very briefly, Random.
Did I have dinner? YES! Very late, but I woke up late. Innocent veg pot vegetable moussaka and a glass of milk.
How many painkillers have I had? One Tramadol last night.
What bad things happened today? I have a really nasty sore throat, as though I've scratched one side of it and it's got infected. That tonsil is entirely pale grey. Ew. Pol is a bit stressed out.
What good things happened today? Moth came bouncing in full of purrs and affection and I went all melty. The hills were wreathed in misty, fine rain and looked incredible. The sore throat is responding to salt water gargles. Pol had a nice chat and cuddle with me. I played with Moth and she was responsive and cute.
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