I'm visiting my mum and sibling, and my other sibling and my nibling are coming over tomorrow. At some point, I'll visit cwol. My family liked seeing my house on street view.
On the way to my mum's, we popped in to see Kira and family, which was good fun. I'm going to buy Dominion and drag it down there at some point, I think. We talked chainmail, politics and ooglies and there was bat-and-ball.
Before I packed to go, Pol brought me coffee in bed. Random was being her usual sweet self, although wobbling occasionally from side to side. The cat was in the cattery and I miss her. She's had a vitamin-and-steroid injection to give her some bounce. It worked.
Every so often, I looked at or listened to the news to see if we have a government yet - or, as some have been saying, whether Whitehall has sorted out its PR department. The answer is no. I'm hoping that there will be an effective Tory/Lib Dem coalition. I *really* don't like the Tories, but it's the best option in the current situation. Lab/Lib *right now* would be terrible.
The BBC's agenda has been showing rather obviously, this election. Bad BBC, no bikkit.
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