Did I tidy my room? YES! And then I used it again all day. I'll straighten the bed before I head off for half the weekend.
Did I go to bed early last night? NO! I stayed up late playing computer games. This was bad and wrong of me, but I was WIDE AWAKE and needed something fun after the assignment.
Did I take my nighttime anti-migraine pills? YES!
Did I do my dawn walk? NO! Noon walk would have been a stretch.
What's the weather like? No idea! I haven't looked out of the window.
Did I wash and get dressed in nice clothes? YES! I'm glad there's a game on tonight, otherwise I'd have likely ended up in pyjamas until nightfall.
Did I do relaxation after breakfast? NO! Ooops.
Did I go out somewhere else too? NO!
Did I cook? NO! This isn't looking good, is it.
Did I take my post-breakfast anti-migraine pills? YES! Very late.
Did I do anything energetic? NO!
Did I use my brain? YES! I studied Norse mythology and a rune. I also wrote to my estranged father last night, part of a mutual getting-to-know-you exercise.
Happy things: My assignment is done! Not only that, but I am pretty sure my final ECA will be on poetry, so I don't actually have to do the last third (Art History) if I don't want to. I will, anyway, in case there's something generally useful in there.
Did I take painkillers? NO! Not all day, not once.
Did I have a migraine? YES! Oh yes indeed. Today is a detox, though. Well, until I drug myself silly tonight at the game.
Do I feel MEish? NO! Lounging about in pyjamas for a week might have been bad for depression, but it's done wonders for the fluey achey feeling.
How are my sinuses? Cruddy, but I don't care.
Did I sleep well? YES! Finally. Like a rock.
Game tonight.
Game tomorrow.
Home tomorrow night.
Open University first thing Sunday morning. I'm torn between starting the Art History part, or doing the preliminary work on my final ECA. Either way, I am very tight for time between now and last hand in date, so I have started doing OU on Sundays as well as Monday,s Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.