Finalmente, Photos!

Apr 11, 2011 16:09

I'm laid low, home from work today and figured since I was trapped inside, climbing the walls, I may as well get my mind off how I feel and start posting some photos from the trip.

Hudson Bay?  Greenland?  Probably some place in Canada.  I'm always amazed at how the pictures from the airplane turn out.

Naturally, the woman in front of me had to put her seat back for 90% of the trip.  Her head was rightthisclosetomyface.  Thankfully, I slept a lot of the time.  Probably breathing in her dander the whole time.

Finally, the airport in Venice!  The time we spent in Frankfurt was spent walking 80 miles from our plane to the next gate.  Some of those tunnels are very, very long.  The flight into Venice was nice and easy, even with 80 high school seniors from Shreveport on the flight with us.
The cool and calm efficiency of the airport was soon to be balanced out with a very confusing attempt to find the right bus into the city.  Sketchy Russians (or "creepers" as my niece Kathleen would call them) boarded at one point, but I was so tuckered out I would have given them all my vodka without a fight. 

Very near our apartment.  I swear this tower was at a wonky angle, but we couldn't tell if it was a trick of the eye or not.  At least it didn't come crashing down while we were walking past.

I do love doors.  Weatherbeaten.  Peeling.  Probably creaky.  Definitely beautiful.

St. Mark's Square.  The two tiny figures in the middle are my brother and sister-in-law.  The square was hardly crowded at all!

The Basillica and the Campanelle.  This one wasn't at a wonky angle.  I was.

Everything that looks like a beautiful painting is a mosaic.  They used lots of gold to reflect the light.  Such beauty.

A great shot of symbols of the Serene Republic.  This was the only day we saw the Venitian flag, oddly enough.

Dude, those things are crawling with germs.  Rats of the sky.  Carriers of Monkey Pox.  Airborne Poop Bags.  Go ahead, let them touch you.

The Doge's Palace and the column with the winged lion, the symbol of Venice.

There isn't a trouble in the world that can't be eased by a glass of prosecco on a terrace anywhere in Italy.  This was at our apartment, and I stood out here often, just watching the world pass by.

Doorbell Mailbox sees what you are up to and is speechless.  He has seen enough of your nonsense.

My camera's starlight setting for night shots has been worth the purchase price alone.  I wish I had taken lots more, but we were often pretty tired in the evening.

All three photos were taken across the Grand Canal.

More to come.  Stay tuned if you are so inclined!

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