I Thought Of Leaving But Something Made Me Stay, It's The Stuff

Apr 11, 2009 01:45

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Okay, so this promo? Totally cracked me up. Yes, the wine sharing scene is in there again (And damn, when I get that whole scene, I totally want to redub it and do videofic! It's such an awesome idea) but it's preceded by him TKing her into a wall. What the hell NBC? Way to chose the most wtfery promo you could.

And lawl. So are they really going with FYGFuture, or are they just trying to make us think that?

I swear to god. I used to talk about fandoms other than Heroes. But then I met awesome people, and this fandom ate me. It's like a bad relationship at this point, considering my constant gripes about the writing. Like, I want to leave, but I just can't. Heroes has my CDs.

In other news, slowly working on what should be the last chapter of DIAM. Pretty excited for what I have planned out for that whole saga. And catyuy you need to be on more. I clearly need your proddings to update better. Or something. Or I just miss chatting with you.

In other, non Heroes related news, I saw Adventureland tonight. It was funny...but also really sad. Also, I officially have a crush on Martin Starr. I've been totally loving him in Party Down and he was super cute/funny in this. He's come along way from being Bill in Freaks and Geeks. Mmm. I love me some nerdy men.

ETA: I need to be home on Fridays so I can give Dollhouse ratings instead of downloading it like I have to half the time. That said? This weeks episode? Fucking awesome. And am I the only one totally shipping Echo/Boyd?
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