Dec 01, 2006 21:19
"selling weapons in the form of words"
- This aint a scene its an arms race - <3 FALL|OUT|BOY
so... Its December?!
This year has flown like canadian geese who forgot to go south for the winter and its already frickin december so theyre flying really fast.
IDK. My metaphors and anologys have been a little off today.
So i cut my hair and ive gotten a compliment from just about everyone... ever. Everyone ive talked to. and its great. I almost feel like a new person. And at first, it was weird. But lately ive been thinking about the stupid shit i did/put myself through last year and im glad for the change.
Like, I actually make sense now. And its kinda cool.
Im trying to get a band started... again... i think this is going to be "The Stereotypes" the third technically. Cuz people are flakes. Or stoners. Or both. And they smell bad.
My only fear is, im going to be the only junior in a band of freshman punks if one of my bestest bestest oldest friends ever flakes out. and ive known her since prek and i wouldnt be suprised if we just stopped talking about it and never did.
I bumped into another old friend of mine, Cyndi, today. We used to chill all the time, and i miss it. She didnt even recognize me with the hair and then freaked out. We talked about her 60 dollar pants she paid 14 50 for because kohls is that amazing, and shopping at macys last night, when she paid for 95$ of clothes with singles and a bag of quarters and change.
Cyndi is amazing. I miss her.
Stupid high school cliques.
Another thing Cyndi did that ill never forget:
On a trip to a family reuinion about... 8 hours away? It was just her and her mom and Jason Mraz in the car/on the cd player. His song "The Remedy" is simply addicting. To the point where cyndi, just to piss of her mom, cuz shes good at it, and you can ask her mom, shes good at it,-
-Cyndi, everytime the song ends, hits previous.
And starts it over.
For a good 3/4s of the trip she played that one 4 minute and 16 second song. For 6 hours. the rest of the trip she slept and her mom turned it off i believe. i would have.
So this is the story i flash back to when she said her mom is paying her 6 dollars and hour to leave her alone this weekend.
- - No Lie - -
Its weird i should bump into her today, come to think about it. Ive been listening to jason mraz for 3 days now. That, fall out boy's new stuff, and absolutly nothing else.
Ironic coincedence i guess.
As of now, this is my favorite part from my current favorite song.
I think it summed up my week. Sorta. Maybe summed up this months mantra for me. Whatever a mantra is. lol.
"I tried to live my life, I lived it so well
When its all over, is it heaven or is it hell?
Well you better be happy that no one can tell, no body knows
Im gonna be happy with the way that I am
Im gonna be happy with all that i stand for
And Im gonna be happy now, cuz the boys goin home."
-the boy's gone
new hair cut!,
the stereotypes,
cyndi is amazing