wow..two entries in two mornings.

May 27, 2005 04:09

According to, the weather is supposed to stay like this for at least the next week, with a high of 62 degrees on Tuesday. And this is crazy! I make a lot more money when it's nice and warm because more people come out and drink. I don't understand this weather...I mean come on, when was the last time it was 62 degrees at the end of May? Let's just hope this weather turns around and we get awesome weather all summer.

I still don't know what my schedule is going to be for the summer. I'm still hoping I can work Friday-Monday nights, but I wouldn't mind working Thursday instead of Monday if I was the only barback working both bars. So if anyone's bored and wants to do something, call me. I'll probably be sitting around doing nothing for three straight days, so I might as well get out as much as I can.

Th-Th-That's all folks! (in my Porky Pig voice, not that I have one, so it's just me)
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