Jan 29, 2006 14:00
It is odd feeling like an insignificant speck of dirt. I feel like I am getting smaller and smaller the longer I am at Alma. I cannot wait to get out of here, but I still am trying to enjoy the time while I am still here.
This morning I awoke semi-dazed. I finally got out of bed and took a shower. That was nice. And then I was greeted with a pleasant message on my board. It was a diagram of a giant penis with the letters “FAG” labeling it. As I wiped it away with a paper towel, I thought of how sweet people can be. Someone used their valuable time to give me this lovely little message. They could have been using that precious energy to do homework or possibly write a sweet letter to a girl or something. But no, this was far more important. I needed that penis like my life depended on it and they knew it. The only thing that really bothers me about the situation is that I would probably be really offended if I was gay. Instead of dwelling on it, I am just thankful that the message was given to me and not one of my friends. Ignorant people can be very frustrating, even if it was probably just an overly drunk football player who saw my “GBLT Safe-Zone” sign.
As far as my entry last night, that was simply an overly tired, overly drunken Scoo who needed to vent. I hate this lonely feeling, but I can’t seem to get past it. There is nothing in Alma that I really want anymore. The only things I will miss from Alma after this year are friends and Theta Chi. The rest of it is all just bullshit.
I better go do some homework.