The Night Before Christmas--Who Style

Dec 07, 2008 09:57

This is absolutely 100% the most cracktastic thing I've ever written, so I apologize in advance. XD


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the galaxy
Not an alien race was stirring, not even the Graske.
The Doctor was snug in the TARDIS ruffling his hair,
In hopes that a new companion or two soon would be there.

The previous ones were wonderful, from Susan to Ms. Noble;
Miss Martha Jones, with her time-traveling mobile,
And Rose and her Human!Doctor, Romana and K9,
Any better friends would be hard to come by.

"But where to next?" wondered the Time Lord out loud,
It's getting lonely in this ship, with no one making a sound!
Just as he pressed a rusty button with a POP,
The TARDIS began flipping from bottom to top...

Racing through space, and probably time as well, too
The old ship was following its own map--WHAT ELSE IS NEW?!
With an almighty clatter, the Doctor landed somewhere unknown
And a couple of lights on the console were blown.

"I'll fix them later." he said with a grin,
"A new world to explore, now where to begin?"
When, what to his twinkling brown eyes should appear,
But eight million screaming fangirls, with flail and great cheer!

More rabid than wolves his courters they came
And he screamed and he shouted and he called them by name:
I'll do you all in good time, maybe up against a wall,
but form a line quick now, I'm talking to you all!"

As quick as thieves who were hyped on caffeine,
The millions of fangirls bit and clawed, and of course, epically squee'd.
One by one, the Doctor did them all and did them quite well...
After all, Time Lords do it long, do it hard, and do it swell.

Finally fatigued and at peace with his fans,
The Tenth Doctor decided to button up his pants.
"I'm leaving now, my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed your ride,
On the Good Doctor Express, ALWAYS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!"

that's how i roll, greetings from mount fandom, cheese and rice!, cracktastic fandom goodness, fangirlish, dotcomrades, rambles, tl;dr, doctor who, trufax, crafty, srsly, public service announcement, lulz, wat, wotcher, ded, i herd u liek it, my freak flag is flying, gr7, epic win, i approve this message, never gonna give you up, awesomesauce, fanfiction, ftw, friends

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