Jun 29, 2006 01:00
I've been in America since last Thursday for [lj-user = "bobu92] Bob's wedding!
Depature Drama
Before I left there was a little bit of "high-tension" as even though my supervisor oked my vacation time, he didn't run it by the vice-principal or principal of the school... They didn't know I was going, I wound up getting last minute approval from them... I guess both my supervisor and I should have told them I was going... oh well, it's all blown over by now I'm sure...
Stopover in Detroit
Rich and I stopped in Detroit on the way to Philly... Ate some Taco Bell...
-Taco Bell isn't as good as I remebered it
-I can get better Tacos in Japan
-I notice lots of fat people at the airport
-I can't finish my soda
In Philly
-Get our luggage, parents arn't there... they are running late
-We see Mom entering the place... we go up to her say "mom, mom"... she notices us and screams... everyone stares at us... i'm glad to know that she can still embarass us without even trying...
First Cheesesteak
I got a cheesesteak from AC sub shop with some curly fries... it was everything I remembered and more...
Bachelor Party
-All you can eat sushi isn't all it was cracked up to be
-Sushi in Japan is great
-Rich kicked major ass at soul calibur
-Watching Frey hurt Bob will never cease to entertain me
-It's been a while since I've been up past dawn playing video games and Magic: The Gathering
-The ceremony was short and sweet...
-It made me think about my own wedding, specifically what power ballad I want the "first dance" to be to...
-It was great seeing everyone again...
-People might fight at first, but once they get into it "never have I ever" is a good drinking game...
-cleared out the hotel room so I could wrestle Ben... there might be a video of this floating somewhere on the internet...
-saw [lj-user = dalia] (laur-dawg!!!) for the first time in a while... she is a lot of fun, even though she jumped on the bed to wake me up when I wanted to get a nap...
-Frey's best-man speech was inspirational to us all... ie, we can do better than that without even trying... it sure was funny though...
-I can't believe I didn't get bob a japanese wedding card... I dedicated the whole trip home to "missed opportunities"...
I've done a tone of shopping, mostly for toiletries like deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes and stuff like that... the Japanese can make good cars but their deodorant just doesn't cut it...
(reverse) Culture Shock
-Soo many fat people...
-People are (too?) friendly... very informal
-Sarcasm (as seen at the new EB in Somers Point)
The scene is a mom is buying a "M" rated game for her son who looked to be 12 at best...
EB Clerk (in sarcastic voice): "This game is rated M for violence, drug use, sexual themes"
Mom (interrupting): "ok"
EB Clerk (continues): "weapon use, ect ect ect..."
Mom: "it's ok, hes mature for his age"
-At the airport the security seemed much less tolerant of the Japanese who didn't speak English than Japanese people are of me and my poor Japanese ability... I heard this TSA lady practically yelling at a Japanese woman (who clearly didn't understand English) to get her to put her stroller on the x-ray converyor belt...
-It is easy to see the annoyance and frustration in certain people like the TSA lady above...
-Dad hooked me up with some new suits from the Men's Wearhouse... \
-I've lost like two inches around the waste since I was last home... it is good, but my old suits no longer fit...
-Kax said Rich and I were best dressed at the wedding...
-I can't wait to wear the new suits at work - I'm kinda upset its summer and I can't!
I leave on Friday to go home... I mean to go back to Japan... I really consider it home now I guess... I miss my friends there and am ready to go back...
I miss the food here, and my friends and family... but other than that, I dunno...
I can no without doubt say I made the right choice to quit my programming job at Burlington Coat Factory to go to Japan... I feel like if I didn't do it, sure I'd probably be making more money right now and have a steady job... but I feel like I wouldn't know what I was missing...