(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 08:55

A Retrospect ... of each first entry of each new year ... for all 5 years I've had this thing. Much too long.

[01 Jan 2002|07:07pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Alicia Keys - Mr. Man ]

I dont know and I'm not sure, but right now it feels like its gonna bean okay year. Or a good one. I prob won't be saying that in a couple of weeks but right now I am o deal with it lol. Thanx for having me over MeL. Would of had nothing to do ::- PoTs & PaNs -:: you-> "shutup" me-> huh???? .... lol. 2002, it better be a good year. I wonder if it'll go by as fast as last year.

I don't want to go back to school. That damn math project makes no sense and I didn't start it lol. I'll get it done though. I'm kinda glad its class week because now we'll only have days of class ::Woo:Hoo::. I'm out.

And no I'm not ::- AnTi~SoCiAL -:: :-( :-)

[04 Jan 2003|10:40pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Lifehouse - Spin ]

Love at first sight .....

or ...

lust at first sight .....


[12 Jan 2004|07:40pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Tired to the point of complete and utter internal melt down.

Everything thats been happening --> the good and bad (more the bad) has tipped it over

Dysfunctional --> me ...

right now ....

[01 Jan 2005|12:20pm]

[ mood | Beat ]
[ music | Elliot Smith - Coast to Coast ]

Never Again.

Never again will it be 2004.

Never again will I get anything back that I lost.

Oh yeah, lastnight, NEVER AGAIN.

Fun times, good times, had its moments. But yeah some of them, NEVER AGAIN.
My anthem for this year is NEVER AGAIN.

Whats with resolutions anyhow. Its just an excuse for people to say they are going to change something in their life, just to make themselves feel better momentarily. Almost never does anyone actually follow through with these so called new years resolutions. Shit, if you want to really change something your going to do it, you don't need to wait until fucking New Years. Am I not right?

I see resolutions and news years as ... I quote myself saying to Hal -
"On News years people give resolutions, then find it okay to get trashed because of this and then go HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
I may have mis-quoted myself, but yeah doesn't really matter all that much.
Its a holiday about making ourselves feel better, well at least thats what its been turned into. You made a resolution now go pat yourself on the back and have a few shots, act stupid - WHO CARES IT NEW YEARS RIGHT .........

Yeah right. Thats not what it means to me at all.

On a brighter Note -


I hope you all enjoyed yourself in one form or another. Hey if everyone else is enjoying themselves why shouldn't you get to also.
I believe I have pictures, but too lazy to bother. You aren't missing anything.

[01 Jan 2005|03:26pm]

[ mood | Awake Against My will ]
[ music | Sia - Breathe Me ]

I don't want to grow up you guys. Don't let me grow up.
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