TS4: The Rad Legacy [10]

Mar 23, 2015 00:47

I couldn't stop myself from playing and now you have another update. Enjoy!

Last time, Karli and Grayson got the generation started, by getting married and welcoming two kids into their family, Kassidy and Aubree. The game is favouring girls at the minute! Kassidy grew into a child with unnerving facial expressions, and Karli grew a cowplant, when she wasn't out fishing. You'll find all of the previous updates under the Rad tag.

Let’s stumble into another update, and in on another woohoo!

Hopefully this one brings a third kid, but we’ll wait and see.

You guys remember Moody Myla, right? The teenage girl with the Mean trait and a bad attitude? Turned down Ryker a few times?

Well, she was invited over for Grayson’s birthday, and promptly took the wrong cake.

He spat her back up!

I didn’t know they could do that, and was in stitches! I guess Myla is too bitter for dinner, right?

“Oh gross…worst party ever…”

Best party ever!

Oh, another guest at the party was Laila, Ryker’s daughter, who has grown into a teenager - and in to purple hair!

I think she’s gorgeous.

Desperate not to be outdone, Karli changes into her party clothes after waking up from a nap.

“I’ve had two kids and I’m still gorgeous. Nobody forget it!”

She is really pretty. I love Karli.

Eventually, the event everyone had turned up for, Grayson’s adult birthday!

Karli hasn’t had hers yet and technically she's older, but I read in Taube’s legacy that being pregnant stops your birthdays. So she gets to be young for a little while longer.

Of course, he looks no different.

“I need to talk to you. You have to get rid of that monstrosity in the front yard.”

“Did somebody go to grab the wrong cake?”

“No! Well, yes! But still, it’s dangerous!”

“Not if you’re sensible.”

Karli decides that the end of the party is the best time to announce there’s going to be a new arrival soon.

For the first time in this legacy, my sims will have more than two kids! In fact, I think that’s the first time it’s happened since I started playing TS4! More milestones!

And because she doesn't want to be left out, Aubree then explodes out of her cot.

I was surprised to find she was blonde like Karli. I just assumed Grayson’s dark hair would be dominant, like in Sims 2, and that all the kids would be dark.

Anyway, Aubree rolled the Perfectionist trait, and the motor-related childhood aspiration. I’ve not had that one yet!

I tried to give her a neat and tidy kind of look because of the Perfectionist trait, but the glasses are because her face looked naked without them.

I think she’s adorable!

And the first thing she does after I unpause the game is go play with the cowplant. The kids this generation are really odd.

“I think I’ll name you Princess!”

“This toy is a lawsuit waiting to happen!”

I know it’s only a matter of time before Aubree jams it into her eye, like all of the sims before her, but she didn’t do it on the first time. That’s probably a record.

“I see my sister has grown up. Excellent stuff.”

Her smile unsettles me. If the Rads were the Addams family, Kassidy would be Wednesday.

After that, the girls decide they really like each other, and head outside to play. It’s probably about 3am at this point, but sleep is for the weak, right?

Kassidy takes the role of big sister very importantly, and shows Aubree how to do the monkey bars. Multiple times - she’s surprisingly good at it!

“Look, Kass! I’m doing it, too!”

Kassidy and Aubree actually get on really well, I love it.

Dawn arrives, and Dante gets distracted on his way back to his grave.

“Oh man, you are cool! I wish we’d had you when I was alive!”

I now wonder what happens if a ghost grabs the cake. Because dying twice is not really an option, right?

“This family is disgusting.”

Aubree may not have the Neat trait, but I’m beginning to think Perfectionist doubles up as neat - she’s the only one concerned about cleaning the dishes!

The maid has the nerve to charge me every time I load the lot, but I haven’t actually seen her for DAYS.

“So who are you? My great-grandpa?”

“No, I’m Freddy. I just died here.”

I bet talking to random ghosts is fun, right? It’s been awhile since we had someone randomly die on us, so maybe it’ll be okay, maybe I won't end up with a massive graveyard. Two is fine.

Look! Another ghost who is helping out rather than breaking everything! I could cry with happiness!

“Oh, yay, you’re up! Ghosts are so BORING to talk to!”

“I know! All they do is float around, break the toilet and then play with the clay! What’s with that?”

“Yeah! No one living plays with the clay anymore!”

“Ugh, why are we OUTSIDE?”

“I need to go fishing, you need friends. Get to it!”


Kassidy and Aubree didn’t have too much trouble finding kids to play with. Surprisingly, that kid in the orange tee and dungarees seems to have been a kid for a while.

I just assumed he was little older Kass.

Aubree didn’t really have much patience for other people, because she desperately needed a nap apparently - so naturally she found the nearest bench.

She reminds me a little of Alice in Wonderland. Not because she’s napping, it’s probably the blonde hair and blue dress.

“Asher! You grew up! And came over for my birthday!”

“Of course. We met in the park just an hour ago. You told me to be here, remember?”

Kassidy’s about to become a teenager - I feel like that went quickly, but also slowly at the same time. Which makes no sense I know, but still.

She’s gorgeous! But with gorgeous parents, what did you expect?

Kassidy rolled the glutton trait, and the Bestselling Author aspiration. I haven’t played that one yet, so this could be interesting.

“Guess who grew up hot!”

Asher and Kassidy are actually pretty good friends. I don’t remember them being this close as kids - I don’t think I even took a picture of them interacting, except on the pirate ship.

“Hey Laila, guess who grew up hot!”

“I’m going to be a young adult in a few days.”

“Yes, but I grew up today!”

“Ha! You’re totally different as a teen, Kass!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I feel like Kassidy just wants to tell everyone who will listen how grown up she is. A world away from the slightly creepy kid she was.

With her older sister taking a nap, Aubree had no one to talk to. So naturally, she headed out to play with Princess, who may just be her best friend.

Not sure that counts as a normal childhood, but oh well. And yes, I know this is the header image, but the picture was too cute to leave out.

Oh look, it’s baby time!

Go on. Guess. Boy or girl.

If you guessed girl, have a cookie!

Yup, ANOTHER girl. What are the odds? This is the last one of the generation, because Karli spent a lot of this pregnancy in bed and I don’t want to play through that again.

This is Tiffanie.

And later that night, when everyone was sleeping and Tiffanie was sobbing her little heart out, Dante stepped up and cheered her up.

That’s the first time I’ve had a ghost do that!

“Hey, Grandpa! Why are you yellow?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

It looks like embarrassment yellow, anyway. It could easily be energised, right? Although I think that’s lighter/slightly greener.

Dante then provided me the answer to the question “What happens if a ghost takes the cake?”

Princess ate him.

And promptly spat him back up.

The dead can’t die twice, can they? J

Soon, Tiffanie burst free from the bassinette and grew into a child.

It’s times like this I miss the toddler stage a little.

I think Tiffanie looks a lot like Kassidy, but I could be wrong - it might be the hair colour throwing me off, I suppose.

Tiffanie got the Whiz Kid aspiration, and the Cheerful trait!

To celebrate her birthday, Tiffanie got a frog. Because I found it in the family inventory and didn’t know what to do with it.

“Oh, Mum, it’s so cute and purple!”

“That’s why they call it the eggplant frog.”

Or in England, the Aubergine Frog ;)

I sent Karli to the park, because there’s a pond there and with it I’ve managed to boost the fish count to fifteen out of twenty, when I spied this woman.

She is obviously serious about fishing! I didn’t even realise there were clothes like that in the game! And she wasn’t the only interesting person in the park…


“I’m not falling for that one, Death.”



He didn’t catch anything, either. It’s really not Death’s day.

“Mum, what are you doing? Your birthday is still two days away.”

“Catching up with your father! I’m supposed to be older than him!”

If I knew that two people could talk to the unicorn at once, I forgot.

I thought it was seriously cute when I found Aubree and Tiffanie both talking to Uni (who was creatively named by Alison way back when).

I had almost forgotten that teenagers did this. Rhea and Anne were very much into selfies, Karli not so much. Kassidy looks like she might be taking more after Anne in this department.

Hashtag no filter and whatnot.

Aw, Princess died. How did this happen?

She was being fed, just not people. Is that the issue? I’m gutted.

Uh oh.

What does he want?

To improve his fishing skills, of course! And make friends in the process.

I still didn’t see him catch a single fish. Death is not very good at it.

Anyway, enough of that, let’s get back to what’s important - Aubree’s birthday!

“I want a new cowplant for my birthday.”

You can grow your own once you’re a teenager!

She’s gorgeous! I love Aubree.

She rolled the Soulmate related aspiration, and gained the Goofball trait.

“I’ll take good care of you, Twoflower. You’ll be a gorgeous cowplant and I won’t let you die!”

Well. That’s if I can figure out what went wrong the first time.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for this time! See you soon!

sims 4, rad

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