TS4: The Rad Legacy [9]

Mar 21, 2015 15:50

Hello! I've been playing Sims 4 again, and naturally that means an update!

Last time there were birthdays and romance, growing up and getting old, a little bit of fishing, a few ghosts, and a trip to Granite Falls! If you don't remember and feeling like catching up, look under the Rad tag and you'll find all the updates you could possibly want.

And so we’re at the beginning of another fishing-filled update!

Still. It’s pretty, right? We’re still in Granite Falls at this point, and Karli is loving it!

Grayson, however, doesn’t care for nature, and spent the entire time inside the cabin on his phone. There’s no pleasing some people.

“Um, Karli, I’m not sure we should go wandering through a partially covered cave while it’s getting dark…”

“You’re such a baby. Wait here, then.”

Unfortunately, Karli was too tired to do much in the hidden area (the name of which I’ve forgotten) and so left. Without even greeting the hermit who lives there.

Unrelated note, how pretty is the night sky?

The last morning at Granite Falls and Grayson sets himself on fire.

This man really does not like the outdoors.

Back at the house, Jaleesa is about to give birth to the first member of generation four!

Are you excited? Because I certainly am!

Of course, for some reason life and death are associated, and Anne kicks the bucket as her grandchild enters the world.

She was this close to meeting it! What a shame L


“Why’s he here?”

“Beats me, Jaleesa’s in labour, not dying.”

“…where’s Mum?”

Not a single one of them noticed Anne dying.

When I found this picture in the folder a week after playing it, I thought the plate was a halo. My bad.


And so Anne is reunited with her husband, Dante, putting the grave count up to 6.

We’re going to have some serious hauntings, I can feel it now.


I found out there was no woohooing the reaper in this version of the sims, and all of my interest in befriending Death flew south for the winter.

He’s still neat, I just wanted reaper babies.

Because I wanted to get started on the important births of generation four, I felt there was no need to keep Ryker, Jaleesa and their baby - who was a girl, by the way, named Laila - I decided to move them out.

Which meant ageing up Laila as I don’t know whether or not babies would age off the main lot. I mean, I don’t know why they wouldn’t, but I didn’t want to risk it. Besides, the baby stage is pretty meaningless, really.

Once they were gone, it was time for Karli and Grayson to get started on their legacy duties.

Fun fact, I live in a flat of 10 people on a university campus, and sometimes I wonder what people think is going on in my room when they hear my sims game. But then I hear the girls from downstairs singing and realise I'm probably fine.

Anyway, it took them a couple of tries, but eventually Karli found herself pregnant.

I kind of want twins. Twins seem a lot rarer in this game than the others.

And of course, the news of an impending arrival meant fishing.

Those twenty different types of fish won’t catch themselves! And Karli’s been stuck at thirteen for what feels like an eternity.

The downside to having your own personal graveyard - a bathroom full of leaks and puddles.

It was funny at first, but now it’s a nightly thing and I’m getting kind of frustrated with having to repair the bathrooms every morning. The family doesn’t really have enough money to replace them every time.

Still, it does mean Grayson will probably max Handiness.

Let’s go to Sylvan Glade, just to eat cereal!

Karli’s needs were fine before I sent her through the tree - luckily she had a cereal bowl hiding in her inventory. I really like Sylvan Glade, but it’s pretty useless if you want to keep your sims alive.

Still trying for those twenty different fish, though. There has to be something in these enchanted waters!

I read on tumblr that someone had moved their legacy family into Sylvan Glade and I’m not sure how they managed that. If they managed it. It doesn’t seem possible to me!

Oh look, a helpful ghost! Thank you, Dante!

He decided to empty the bins while Grayson cleans up after the last broken sink - which may have been the ghost of the maid, I’m not sure.


This time in Oasis Springs. I kind of wanted to call it Oasis Landing when typing this, because that was the name of the future world in TS3, but I know that’s not its name.

“Karli! You look like you might explode!”

“I’m FINE. Now get me more food.”

It was then I realised that Karli and Grayson hadn’t actually tied the knot. How lame of me - this is what happens when I leave the game alone for a week, I forget everything.

So they had a quickie wedding in the living room.

Just in time too, apparently, because it’s time for the little one to make their appearance!

Place your bets, a boy or a girl?

Well, of course it was a girl! My game loves them at the minute!

This is Kassidy.

“My little grandbaby! LOOK! Look how sweet she is!”

“I AM looking, Mum!”

I did like the fact that Anne’s first haunt was to meet her newest grandchild - talk about cute!

I’m still amused by the way sims dance in this game, and apparently, so are the ghosts!

Grayson hasn’t noticed, though.

I may have mentioned this before, but Grayson and Karli are one of the closest couples I’ve ever had in this game. They’re perfect together, and I love it.

It’s a bonus that Grayson is more or less the same age as her, so we won’t lose him early on this generation.

“Do you normally impale yourself on the house when you do the gardening?”

“Yes, Grayson, that’s how the professionals do it.”

Karli then planted a cowberry. I was curious, and she had like five of them from fishing. Plus if we’re going to have a graveyard, we might as well go all out.

“Who’s about to grow up and become my best friend?”

Kassidy’s birthday came up quick, didn’t it? Unlike Laila though, I waited rather than ageing her up early.

And I have no idea why she looks so smug. Or like she could kill a man using only that bowl. Funny little kid.

Anyway, she rolled the Goofball trait, though from her facial expression, you wouldn’t guess that. Oh, and the art related childhood aspiration.

Kass then lost all of her smug scariness by jabbing herself in the eye with the llamacorn.

I was amused, to say the least.

Stop what you’re doing and look at this picture of Dax inhaling a grilled cheese sandwich!

Once a glutton, always a glutton, right?

…she’s doing it again.

What is she so smug about? She knows all of your secrets, doesn't she?

The next morning, a blast of confetti informs me that another baby is on the way! Hooray!

I am going to aim for three kids this generation, but we’ll see what happens.

Look at the little cowplant!

It’d be cute if I didn’t know what it grows into. Well. It’s still pretty cute even so.

I don’t care how confident you’re feeling, Karli, it doesn’t mean you can dance.


Not sure what’s got into Dante. But angry ghosts tend to break more stuff (I think) so he’d better sort himself out.

Wow, it’s like he heard me!

“I love the clay really!”

He then went upstairs and logged into the computer, while I crossed my fingers he didn’t break it.

“I need to update my facebook status, just so that everyone knows I’m still dead.”

I paused the game at the best time, wondering why the usually unnervingly smug Kassidy was pulling that face...

This explains everything, right?

It is a really pointy horn. In the real world, the creators of that toy would have been sued by now.

That afternoon, Karli needs more fish (STILL only at thirteen out of twenty!) and Kassidy needs more friends.

So an evening of pirating it is! And meeting the neighbourhood boys - potential future spouses!

I loved watching it, although some dude did come up and start mocking the kids, leaving Kassidy angry.

Back at the house, and it’s time for a toast with a ghost!

I often find Grayson at the bar - and often miss his disastrous attempts at mixing drinks.

Then all of a sudden, the cowplant was fully grown!

The sight of it made the ghosts tense, so I thought that was pretty impressive. Or maybe unrelated, who knows.

Either way, it was pretty fun watching Grayson pet and play with the cowplant. Kind of wish those interactions had been there in TS2!

Paranormal pool party!

At least if they're out here they won't be breaking all of the indoor plumbing.

Karli then woke up abruptly and went into labour.

What’ll it be? A boy or a girl?

A girl! What are the odds? This little one is named Aubree. The game does like some unusual spellings!

That’s all for this time, see you soon for more of this madness!

sims 4, rad

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