Oct 27, 2004 23:49
Well, I once again managed to piss everyone on my CS team off....again. We decide to scrim one last time before the end of the night. We have a hard time getting everything together, we can't get five, then can't find a scrim. Then we HAD to change the map right then and there. Brett brings in two hot shot ringers who try to take things over as soon as they get in OUR SERVER. I don't like that, I speak up about it. Then I get the usual, "Come on Kyle, blah blah fuck you blah blah blah" shit.
Once we FINALLY get shit going, about five rounds into the scrim, Bretts ringers (Friends of his) leave and blame it on getting kicked. Naturally everyone thinks I kicked them because I got in a fight with them. Did I kick them? Fuck no I didn't. But will anyone fuckin beleive a goddamn thing I say? Nope. I'm just the fucked up, out spoken one who nobody can handle. Everybody leaves the server without saying a fucking thing to me, they leave vent without saying a goddamn thing to me, and right before they did leave vent, Brett told Mandy to sign onto AIM. So I'm guessing RIGHT NOW, as I type this, they are talking about ME OVER AIM. Now.......Nobody is talking to me, so once again I'm just a big fat fuckin loser! AHHH
So I get angry easily. But I have gotten shit on too much in my fuckin life and I have learned not to let it happen. I have grown confident in myself and I will not let ANYBODY stomp on me anymore. Deal with it!