Dec 21, 2004 21:26
I totaled my car today. Not literally, as like it can't drive. It drives just fine! Just not straight....
A totaled car is when the repairs are more then what the car is worth. The repairs my car MIGHT need will be more then what my car is worth, which isn't much anyway.
I slid on the ice and slammed into the curb at about 20 mph. I bent the axle on my tire, it might even be close to breaking completely. Thats a huge job. So good fuckin game. Guess I walk now.
Not exactly sure what to do know. My car is my life. I need fucking wheels. My fuckin winter break starts in two days and I'm going to be grounded at home because I won't have a fucking car to get around in. I still got Christmas shopping to do. Other important errands, and now it's going to be near impossible to get it all done.