Jul 29, 2003 15:12
Welp Im back now... Just for a bit though, Camp was great. We had a Oatmeal fight over 100 pounds of oatmeal was used in this fight! Shaving cream wars yesh please. Water Balloon fights you bet cha!... Pillow Cases:2.00 Pillow 15.00, 15 kids at camp:5,250, Running threw the girls Cabins pounding the shit out of them with the pillows and 15 campers priceless! It was great. I got to see some leapard sharks to! Blisters on my hands from rowing alot... But it was alot of fun. And for the fun things, I went on a 11 mile hike a 5 mile swim, 7 mile kayak oh so much fun in one week! I did miss Jenn though... Sounds like she had fun though, Im glad for that. Shes at a Show with her Ex... Yeah you herd me... I was "invited". But I know when Im not invited. She woulda made it a bigger deal if she wanted me to go, Oh well though. Anywho I was just invited to go night surfing! So Ima go and than come back and wait for Jenn so anywho will finish the update later! Shee Ya!