Sep 23, 2008 02:00
Well, to say "it's been a while" would be a pretty big understatement.
I haven't looked at my flist or updated my LJ in like 6 months...most of you who left me on your flists probably either don't remember who I am or you resent me for never answering your comments from six months ago. :X I do a lot. And I know I've done this before...I dunno, sometimes I just need to take a step back from LJ [and from fandom] but it seems that I do always come back in the end.
So to all the people that I haven't spoken to in a looong while, I just want to say that I'm going to do my best to get re-acquainted with your lives and that I'm sorry I've been so distant.
I've been missing LJ a lot lately. So...I guess I'm back. :D