I can't sleep :(

May 11, 2008 05:33

So I was looking forward to this HatP concert for like two months. But then I felt like complete shit today and in an effort to stop myself from getting sicker, I decided to skip it and stay home and rest. While that did suck a lot, it really was for the best because I'm working a double tomorrow and I really can't afford to be sick. And they're coming back to New York for two more shows this summer, so atleast I'll still get to see them. And I am feeling a lot better than I was earlier, so with some Dayquil I should be able to get through tomorrow without too much suffering.

Or I would be if I was able to sleep. See, when I decided to stay home and rest, that basically translated into "sleep all day." And now that I really need to go to bed so I can wake up tomorrow, I can't. I tried to sleep for like an hour, but I got frustrated and gave up. Then I came online and did various LJ activities [read fan fic] hoping that would make me sleepy.

It didn't really, but I guess there's nothing else for me to do but try to sleep again. If I fall asleep by 6, I'll get 5 hours of sleep which isn't horrible I guess.

Oh, and happy Mother's Day to all the moms on my flist :)
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