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Mar 27, 2016 20:52

So, my (former) MIL died last Friday. I've been here in Arizona since last Sunday helping her heartbroken, devastated husband make funeral arrangements, pay bills, grocery shop, etc. I've never had to do this kind of thing before. She wanted a burial so there is a lot more involved in the process. Having to go into her closet to pick out clothes for her, picking a casket (her husband picked out this really cool metallic royal blue - it really is quite spectacular for a casket!), finding a cemetery. I never thought I'd be cruising cemetaries trying to find 'the one' that gave us that just right feeling. We actually saw a few. The one we found and decided on though is really beautiful and somewhere I feel good about taking the kids to visit their grandma. Her husband had a stroke 2 years ago so he's not in the best health and doesn't get around very well. I'm really worried about him and how he will handle things once I leave. I'm going to come back once a month for 3 days til summer, then the kids and I will spend a lot of time out here. Andy is at home holding down the fort. The kids are still on spring break so they had a sitter all last week and will have a sitter most of this week as I won't get home til late Thursday. Total unexpected HUGE expense for us (the sitter).

It's really strange being in this house without her here. I haven't slept more than a couple hours each night. Go figure, I have 10+ days away from my kids and I can't even sleep in! 
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