My yearly update lol

Mar 13, 2016 11:31

It's been almost a year since my last post!

Still have the restraining order on Damon. He hasn't seen the kids since August of last year when he was told he needed to hire a professional monitor. He refuses to have anyone watch him while he is with the kids because he's so fucking shady. His child support tally is at about $60,000. He told his mother last week that he sent a payment but I have yet to see anything. HIs mother is dying. She's had a pretty prgressive cancer for 2 years. When they diagnosed her they gave her 6 months but she was able to participate in clinical trials, but 2 weeks ago they told her that the drugs were not working, her tumors were growing fast and she needed to call hospice. Up til then she was doing 'okay', still going about her daily business, traveling on her own from Phoenix to Houston for treatments. She called this past Monday to wish Davin a happy birthday, by Thursday she stopped taking liquids and is incoherent. We had planned to go out there for spring break but I don't know if she'll make it til then. Damon will be arrested if he sets foot in Arizona (felony fraud charge from stealing his stepdad's identity). He is banned from their home and his stepdad will probably shoot him if he tries to come in the house. I am torn between packing up the kids and heading out their early, or waiting til she passes. The kids don't even know she's sick so her death will be a big blow. On one hand, I don't know if I want the kids to see her this way, on the other hand I want them to have final moments with her. We all (me, Andy and all 3 kids) went out there for Thanksgiving and I made a huge feast, we made some great memories.

Andy and I are doing well. Last year his psycho ex filed for more visitation and partial custody. HA! It's resulted in a year long battle with the the judge ordering a psych eval on her and a custody evaluation. We filed the final stipulation last week. She was not awarded any custody, but a little more liberal visitation on a step by step basis (after or if she completes quite a few classes, evaluatiuons, etc). Andy and I haven't gotten married yet! We've spent every extra dollar on custody evaluator, lawyers and court expenses. Not that getting married is expensive (I'd prefer just to go to the courthouse), but we need to do a prenup. I am honestly not in any kind of rush.

We are still in Santa Monica. We decided against Westlake as we are just too enmeshed in the community here. We were able to convert our place into a 3 bedroom, still need another bathroom but oh well! Davin is in 3rd grade, Mason is in 2nd and Fiona is in kindergarten. Fiona is so fucking smart- she helps Davin with his homework lol. She's still super fiesty but has lots of friends and even a love triangle. She's funny and witty and drives me up the fucking wall lol. Davin decided not to do club soccer this year and honestly we are relieved. It was such a huge commitment - 3 nights a week of training and 2-3 games on the weekends, tournaments out of town. His coach was kind of suck ass this past year so that didn't help. We got Mason an IEP this year and that has helped a bit with his ADHD. He only spends 3% of his time outside the classroom in social skills and occupational therapy. He also sees an outside psychiatrist once a week.

I am not working. Managing 3 kids and a heavy volunteer load at school keeps me plenty busy. I am president of the booster club at school so I manage all the big fundraisers. I never realized how much drama there is amongst school volunteer groups. Lots of conflict with the PTA co-presidents, which is disappointing but whatever. The PTA is the 'serious' side and the booster club is the 'fun' side lol. There is equal importance in both groups, but I feel like our PTA presidents have done a lot of bullying this year and it's turned a lot of parents off from volunteering. Andy runs the Dad's Club which falls under the booster club so he runs things like Poker Night and Camping on Campus  - super fun events. I really love our school. Davin is in a combo class with 50 kids and 2 teachers and they go between classes for different subjects. Both his teachers are awesome and Fiona is BFF's with one of the teacher's kids. Fiona's teacher is so great - she's firm and a perfect fit for Fiona's sassy personality. Fiona respects her and adores her. Her teacher is heavy into gardening so they have an awesome class garden and we gets lots of free veggies. Mason's teacher can be really tough on the kids but I dig her. We met last year at our gala casino night and played blackjack all night while cocktailing, then she became his teacher this year. This year we did a western them for our gala. So much fun! We all dressed up, did jello shots, had line dancing and made a ton of money for the school.

Me trying on my western wear ;)
We bought a restaurant! I know, right? It's all happened within the last month so we aren't officially annoucing yet. It's in Phoenix but it's a franchise so we'll hopefully be opening some here. Andy's partner owns the franchise rights and Andy was just going to help him sell franchise but we ended up partners in one of them. Our Phoenix location opens up next week!

That's really about it! Hopefully it won't be another year before my next update ;)
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