May 25, 2005 14:44
lets start off from dismourning
my mom was a bitch and woke me up 30mins b4 my alarm
then she says the truck wont start...
next we take my dads car
on hillen dale rd there was a cop and my mom noticed she was going 55(speed limit 30)
so this made me late and very fustrated
global: idn..i came in at like 5mins b4 period ended
math: learned about somethign with 2 lines intersecting and finding the point
english: romeo and juliet
science: reviewed for test tom.
6th free: some girl barfed...chelsea ran w/ mat and geremy alked around makign barfing noises
7th: not much some hacky sack food boredom usual
spanish: ...i did nothing...
resouce: im not goign to this class anymore so im goign to have free 9th
ps. matt not jewish im druish im from druidia u fuking
morons sheesh get it suriously im not jewish
if i was i would kill myself...killing myself...hmmm little voice
in my head giving me ideas...operstion 69 is still somewhat on
im guessing idn...went to dentist to get braces tightened...
i think thats it...cya tom and all of u that i no r fuckers bitches
assholes fagets cunts pussies cock penises dildos dicks
u no what this journal doesnt deserve the supercool mark