Oct 09, 2008 13:36
I now own a pedometer. I got it at Walmart on Tuesday for $14.88. It's supposed to track all kinds of things.
I will happily accept input or suggestions on any of the following points:
I need to get some free weights. I'm thinking 8-lb or 10-lb ones. At Walmart the 10s are $9.77 each, and I would want two. The prices on free weights are not clearly marked at Dick's Sporting Goods, where I happen to have a $25 gift certificate.
Unrelated to my fitness, but related to fitness equipment shopping, I want to buy a baseball bat. To keep under my bed, for easy access in case someone breaks into my apartment. I want to be able to beat the shit out of any potential rapist. Walmart doesn't carry baseball bats right now (seasonal), and at Dick's the cheapest one was around $20.
I am also considering buying a new iPod. I currently have a 60 GB, and I love it--it holds everything, and it's good for work and for long walks and in the car for long drives. But I keep having to make different "random" playlists for working out. Also I remember reading that you're not supposed to run (or trot) with a 60 GB iPod, because the bouncing and jarring could dislodge some of the gears and break it. Plus it's large and it bounces a lot, annoyingly, when I try to clip it to my clothes. So for these reasons I was thinking about getting a teeny iPod Shuffle. I wouldn't need that many songs if it's just for running, and it would always be random, and it's made for running, and it's so little it wouldn't bounce around when I clip it to me. Walmart has them for $48.88 or so, which isn't bad.
I am not sure how I feel about running/trotting. My ankle has been kind of hurting since Monday's trot. I'm not sure what the deal is with that. Perhaps I need more runningish shoes.