Just did my taxes. I owe Federal $49 this year. Last year, I got a refund of $981, so this was something of a shock. Turns out I had my exemptions listed wrong on my W4. Need to fix that with HR ASAP. I owe the state of Pennsylvania $8, but I owed them $3 last year so I wasn't expecting anything there.
In better news, I just got an acceptance from
Broken Bridge Review! They accepted my poem "across the room", for their next issue to appear in September.
The editor also said he really liked my "Unnamed Woman" sequence, which was a nice compliment. I'd started thinking of that one as unpublishable. He commented that he thought there might be more to explore, which I agree with, and he suggested the journal
Image as a possible future publication outlet for it. I saw them at AWP and had already been thinking of sending them some St. Monica stuff, so that's some good reinforcement.
Time to go make some pasta.