Hey everyone,
dia_aren_marie here! It's officially the end of
supercharitygo's first run! And with the help of last minute donations, our grand total is...
... do you know how awesome that is? Do you guys? BECAUSE IT IS. I don't know what to say! Considering we had around six weeks, a group of around 40 people, and just let the word go 'round with no huge sponsorships or anything like that. Just... wow. Wow you guys.
We can't really extend the actual drive any further, but if any of you guys still need an extension, it is perfectly fine to ask your respective donors. Real life happens, we all understand. :)
For the record, here is the list of people who participated!
akemi_reibluwiikoonchickenteethdia_aren_mariedizzytaradoxinatoreco_monoflyboy_foxgeckoholicgembatgogodgenegogoicarusgrapesheezyharkaitzharuharahotshiat_pikajaimonsterkihannakimatronkmmasylappylapinmadamlunanocturnalclivyaobjection_lessonoes_mischiefoshiroakinapeachifruitprinny_jettpuddinchanpyrrhocoraxsaemiligrshinypidgeytahutigerboattwenty_til_12uwaaaahzarla Give these guys a pat on the back! They worked really hard! ♥ Shout-out to all the donators, as well!
And here are the commissions that have been finished so far! The collection will be continuously updated as more come in. c:
Atmospheric MusicBattle Music Writing
The Red StringAwakening Website
and these desires Art
This is also the entry to give us your feedback/suggestions on how to improve SCG and make it even MORE awesome next year! Anything from the sign-ups, to organizing things, to the process, whatever you have in mind! We'd really like to hear what you guys have to say!