Akira UdouSeries:
Air GearCharacter Age: 16-17ish.
Canon: In Air Gear, shounen retards battle other shounen retards on tricked out rollerblades called A-Ts. The main character is an insane punk named Minami Itsuki (Ikki for short), who is aiming to be the best of the best. Along the path to glory, Ikki is challenged by everything from a street gang dressed in gorilla suits to flaming, time-stopping freaks, and one of his greatest challenges is Behemoth, a massive A-T group with a huge territory. The leader of this merry band of skaters is Akira Udou, nicknamed the Super Beast, probably because of how his team tends to crush opponents. Or how Akira tends to crush his opponents.
When he's not ruling over literally a thousand street punks through the sheer awesome force of his Super Beast power, Akira is actually the boy next door sort of fellow who just happens to indulge in morbid activities, like ripping the wings off birds. Morbidities, stoicism, and Super Beasteries aside, he created Behemoth to protect all those street punks under his own strength - he's actually a determined woobie who is mostly motivated by protecting others. In fact, before he was the leader of Behemoth Akira was a cop - even a mostly good cop. More recently he was arrested left his position as leader of Behemoth to return to his old job of protecting people through the law. His boss is insane, trigger happy, and violent-all of which Akira bears with with a touch of flailing and a far more tolerant nature than many would manage. After all, everyone in the Air Gear world is just a little bit crazy.
Sample Post:
There comes a time in a person's career when they look back at their service and decide whether or not it was worth it. Midlife crises, that sort of thing - and I'm not even legal, much less middle age. In my case, I'm sitting here next to a corpse that's definitely older than a day, wondering why it has more energy to move than I do, and how long it takes to process resignation paperwork.
This is definitely above and beyond the call of duty. It's supposed to go 'stop, desist, cease', which leads to 'arrest'. Not that the law has anything against waitresses, but naked skating waitresses qualify as a menace to society - there are laws against indecent exposure for a reason. So, I cuffed her, and her hand fell off. This was a little concerning, because collateral damage isn't really part of my job description. Plus the more obvious: her hand fell off. I fixed one body part and another gave way - but at that point there wasn't enough duct tape in the world to save her wrist. When it's just hanging there by a thread there's not much to tape it to.
Decaying naked waitresses is only number three on the "things that made me quit my job" list. I believe "getting dropped off in a zombie infested swamp at gunpoint" is number two, just slightly below "my boss has shot everyone I know at least once." Being violently booted out of a moving vehicle is an occupational hazard I'm used to, along with everything else I've seen today like people who think they're ghosts and ghouls and thugs dressed up as gorillas, and I don't know whether to feel prepared or - Ooooh, that is definitely against the law.
Even going into early retirement I still can't catch a break! You will stop, er, manhandling that person right now, and are under arrest for … molestation with intent to fornicate. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you. I won't force you to remove your costumes, but it would be to your advantage to comply-
I stand corrected. "Naked decaying waitresses" comes after attempted violation by gorillas.
93.5% w-what the hell guys ♥