Name: Udou Akira
Hair: brown
Medical Info: A-T ridertard. WATCH ME RIP OFF IKKI WHO RIPPED OFF KAZU WHO RIPPED OFF AKI/AGI: "this causes as much damage as development to these muscles and needs routine treatment to avoid lasting pain and his performance suffering." But I dunno what impact this has at all since the regalia is now in Agito's possession, he did have it for two years blah blah blah I HAVE NO IDEA. Besides that, uh, basic scraps and bumps and bruises and internal bleeding from pushing yourself too hard lolol. THE BLOOD LEAKED THROUGH HIS THIGHS, that's beastly right there, YEAH. ...god I sound like Ying.
Physical traits: NICE LEGS Slit pupil eyes. Pretty damn strong?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: We're good to go. Hold off on the "YOU'RE FICTIONAL" please, and spoilers are bad.
Abilities: Athletic is a bit of an understatement. Akira's pretty strong too (c-catching a punch that pulverizes concrete, check~). Pretty agile too, though not the most agile rider around. Also fast on his feet, even if he's not as fast as a speed rider. Determined /o/
Notes for the Psychics: :| retarded.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Asking is love!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: ... sure?
Maim/Murder/Death: Violence is always okay. If you wanna kill me, tell me first. Fighting is always a joy.
Cooking: I assume he has basic I-am-Kaito's-bitch-cooking-skills but then again maybe they just suck and eat too many cup noodles. WHO KNOWS.
Emo/Serious: Sure. Why not.
Audience Suuuuuure. Spoilers are bad, remember~
OOC perm/faq