Title: A Superman/Batman Christmas By: PC02, with some help from tmelange Claim: Special Request Prompt: A cover manip for the 2006 Secret Santa Exchange e-book. Rating: PG
Hi, the e-book will just be a compilation of all the artwork posted to this journal for the exchange. It will be produced sometime after the project is over, in January.
Wow, that looks awesome! the embrace! it looks so sweet! And the kiss, with the cowl off *mmmm* delightful! I gap in wonder at the amazing manip skills. They are truly a force to be reckoned.. *looks at the embrace again* awww.. Batman is tiny! :D
Hm. How do doujinshis get away with selling from fandoms? Jus' curious 'cause a lot of you definitely deserve to get published... And I would be one of the first ones to purchase such a book. :P
Comments 16
Amazing work
An icon of that would be excellent.
Does anyone knows where can I check that e-book?
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Jus' curious 'cause a lot of you definitely deserve to get published... And I would be one of the first ones to purchase such a book. :P
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