Title: A Superman/Batman Christmas By: PC02, with some help from tmelange Claim: Special Request Prompt: A cover manip for the 2006 Secret Santa Exchange e-book. Rating: PG
Hm. How do doujinshis get away with selling from fandoms? Jus' curious 'cause a lot of you definitely deserve to get published... And I would be one of the first ones to purchase such a book. :P
I believe that Japan has a much more lenient and accepting culture w/re to djs (and intellectual property rights protection generally), whereas the US is much more stringent. You'd be very likely to get a cease and desist letter in the US (and get sued) for selling a fan project than you would be in Japan.
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Jus' curious 'cause a lot of you definitely deserve to get published... And I would be one of the first ones to purchase such a book. :P
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