So, I ended up shredding all my paper journals--I actually kind of regret this, but not in a strong way. But I do think it would mak an interesting historical record. Like the time in 2008 when I wrote "Wall Street in trouble" before launching into my woes.
But maybe it will bring me back to LJ?
Has anyone else noticed how all the random people from NYC they added in 03, 04, 05 became professional writers? Or was it just my group?
Anyway, I'm sitting here about to go to trivia with Danielle and Robert and possibly Danielle's friend. I have zero edge at this trivia, which makes it a little boring, but on the plus side, it is very close and the seating situation is nice.
I had a banner day today. Woke up at 5:45, went to Starbucks and wrote, went to the post office and mailed a certified letter, a bunch of photographs to Al from a project we did, and picked up an Ebay package (razors.) Then I came back and started work on a query letter (drafting for someone else.) I took like three fifteen-minute naps. Was really fighting this because I want to get into the wake-up-early-write-fiction routine. We'll see how it works out tonight (in terms of will I fall asleep on time.)
I got as far as I could with query letter, picked up my laundry, started playing music off of Pitchfork's 100 of 2015. I had forgotten how good the Cha-Cha song by D.R.A.M. is (
Bowie passed away. Something that I avoided saying in conversation, except to Maya and my mom because it sounds ridiculous, was that I was not surprised and had a feeling it was coming after seeing some footage of him recently, and also for other reasons I don't want to get into. So personally found that eerie. Mom started emailing me articles she found about Iman's other daughter, who I guess is dark-skinned and heavy and has issues. And then found some stuff about how Iman lightened her skin, which--I was always confused about why Iman was so light.
I went out on a date which disintegrated into me trying to articulate why I can't stand conversations about Trump and then purposefully setting the guy up to say something negative about Kim Kardashian. Negative conversations about both get under my skin--I guess I basically feel it is some sort of class warfare, where hypereducated, socially liberal people who are culpable in the oppression of the poor seem to get off on putting down those people, ostensibly for their racist positions. (I mean this is easier to see with Trump--feel there is something analogous with Kim K. and women.) But I just don't think social equality starts by kicking "white trash" around? Whatever! Don't mean to bring my negative date energy onto LJ.
My birthday is coming up (2/6), and I must say, I'm really excited. I love being a birthday person, and I already have the invitation set up.