OK, when I was reading
the latest Sweet Potato Queens book last week, I came upon a passage about a SPQueen somewhere, probably Tammy, who tricked her kids into eating non-favorite foods by putting red sauce and cheese on top of everything and calling it "pizza". Pizza Fish, Pizza Spinach, and so on. I tried it with eggs, making Pizza Eggs last Sunday morning. My three-year-old daughter still wouldn't eat it, but it sure was good for the rest of us.
In your skillet, saute onion, bell pepper, and mushrooms. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk up four or five eggs with a splash of cold water (not milk. Cold water is the Waffle House secret for fluffy eggs...I got that from an old college bud who used to work there in high school). When your veggies have reached your desired degree of doneness, pour the eggs over the top, dollop on some pizza sauce (just one can of tomato paste, enough water to make it saucy, garlic, oregano, and pepper, all mixed together...some people add sugar and salt but I am not one of those people), and top with some cheese. You could even add some cooked sausage or some pepperoni prior to the sauce and cheese step if you wanted a more pizza-like, non-vegetarian, final product. Season with salt and black pepper. Put in a 350F (176C) degree oven and bake till the eggs are set and everything is melty-good.
Eat up, it's yum.